Anxiety Attack Symptom: Triggers of Stress

Anxiety Attack Symptom – Stress and anxiety are considered to be the natural defense mechanisms of the body that are triggered off whenever we have to face an unpleasant situation.

Anxiety_Attack_SymptomHowever, when these defense mechanisms take the form of severe anxiety or stress that persists even when there is no unpleasant source to trigger them off, it becomes necessary to recognize that these are an anxiety attack symptom and are abnormal, which means that the individual needs medical treatment or other sources of help to be able to lead a normal life.


Anxiety Attack Symptom: Triggers of Stress

It is essential that to seek appropriate help, people should be able to recognize an anxiety attack symptom in their own behavior and also in the behavior of their loved ones. The most common symptoms of an anxiety attack are as follows; constant worry over sources of trouble that are absent and are unlikely to be ever present; body pains, soreness and muscular tension that does not emanate from any illness or injury; insomnia; dizziness and lightheadedness; nausea or diarrhea and recurring troublesome thoughts that prevent you from engaging yourself in any activity. Even though most of us may experience an anxiety attack symptom once in a while, it is the recurrence of these symptoms over and over again that indicate that the individual may be suffering from Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, post-traumatic disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder.

An anxiety attack symptom can often last for more than a few minutes and the severity of the symptoms usually increases with time. There is never an apparent cause present as a cause for these symptoms and most people who have recurrent anxiety attacks also suffer consistently from the fear of having another attack. If you or any of your loved ones are experiencing a repetition of the symptoms mentioned above, it is desirable to seek professional help right away. Contrary to a general opinion that anxiety attacks subside with age, they may actually become worse and manifest themselves in more complicated symptoms. Virtually all cases of an anxiety attack symptom can now be handled through drug therapy combined with behavior therapy.

Solutions to Anxiety Attack Symptom: Triggers of Stress

  1. Get a pet
  2. Sex – Some people use sex as a stress reducer
  3. Breathing Exercise
  4. Hot bath can also do the trick when you spend few hours soaking your tired body in the tub
  5. Go on a road trip, when you have the chance.

The above list is not an exhaustive list.  There are many ways you can relieve your body of stress.  One of the recommended ways is EMDR therapy

If you enjoy this content, be kind enough to share it with friends and family.  Don’t forget to read this site’s medical disclaimer

Originally posted 2021-03-24 09:40:39.

Depression And Suicide

Eighteen-year-old Catherine had everything: the most supportive family, a loving boyfriend, impressive set of friends and comfortable life. But all of these things took a backseat when she was diagnosed with depression.

From the bubbly chatterbox that she was, she morphed into a melancholic girl who had nothing in mind but to kill herself. “There is nothing left to live for. I’m worthless and hopeless.” That statement ran in her head over and over again. She wanted to jump off the bridge or drink formaldehyde on a whim. She was suicidal.

Depression And Suicide

johnhain / Pixabay

It took a lot of trips to the doctor and support from her family and friends before Catherine bounced back to normalcy. Now, the melancholia and suicidal thoughts are gone. She has just finished college and is about to start her dream job.

Suicide is defined as the act of killing oneself intentionally. It stems from severe depression, an illness that intervenes with the mental, physical and emotional aspect of a person.

The majority of depressed people do not die from suicide. But depression does trigger a higher suicidal risk. New data has reported that two percent of sad people who have received treatment for depression in an outpatient scenario might die by suicide. Four percent of those who were treated in an inpatient hospital setting might also die by the same method.

Those who have suicidal attempts before are also likely to die by suicide later on. Another research shows that 7 percent of men with a history of depression will eventually kill themselves whereas only 1 percent of women with a history of depression will do.

Those who have had mood disorders commit suicide. The clinically depressed younger ones often turn to substance abuse to kill themselves.

The most common method of suicide is by the use of firearms, as it makes up the 60 percent of deaths. From a study of the National Institute of Mental Health, about 80 percent of white males commit suicide by shooting themselves. This number pushes the resolve that a firearm must be removed from the home if a family member is discovered to be at risk for suicide.

The next most common method for men is hanging whereas drug overdose or self-poisoning is the second most common suicidal method for the women.

Other than depression, there are other risk factors for suicide like:

  1. Impulsivity – There are people out who do things on a whim. If one has a gun in hand, he might shoot himself out of an impulse.
  2. Traumatic life events – A death of a loved one, financial rut or other adversity might compel a person to kill him or herself.

  3. History of suicide in the family – There is such a thing as “suicide contagion” in which a person is exposed to suicides and suicidal attempts often. This exposure can become a risk factor for killing oneself.

  4. Family violence – If there is physical or sexual abuse, the victim of the injury might turn to suicide to end the ordeal.

  5. Suicide attempt before – He has done it before, why not do it again?

  6. Alcohol and drug abuse An alcoholic or drug addict will reach a point when he will have no qualms about killing himself.

Depression is a problem that has to be uprooted to keep suicidal thoughts at bay. If a person is suicidal, it is a must that he receives professional treatment. Usually, those who are thinking of killing themselves do not know they need help.

Depression And Suicide

Preventing suicide is no easy feat, either. It is in this light that you must establish a broad and extensive suicide prevention program. These programs must zero in on the treatment of depression and drug abuse.

Before being launched to the public, the application must be assessed scientifically and tested first for effectiveness and safety. They must also be extensive and complicated enough so that the effects will last a long time and eventually banish all suicidal thoughts. They must also be carried out according to the age, culture, and gender of the suicidal patients.

Depression and suicide do go together, but if one works hard to combat depression thoughts of suicide will be banished.

Originally posted 2021-03-23 21:26:56.

Tips You Can Use To Help Yourself


Help Yourself

Help yourself – Getting interested in personal development is an expression of the urge to define and improve yourself. Self improvement usually focuses on increasing your self-awareness, expanding your knowledge, taking steps towards achieving personal goals and working on spiritual growth. You’ll find tips and techniques within this article which will help you to find success in your journey. Taking steps can help you find a better understanding of yourself.

Reading books on the subject of self improvement or self-improvement is good for you. A good book can help you find new ways to reach for your goals and improve yourself. Look for a book that is backed by very positive and very credible reviews because certain personal development books are written terribly.

Always be ready to capture your good ideas when they occur, wherever you may be. Pack some paper with you when you go out. Scribble detailed notes when something comes to you, and then carry them out whenever your creativity is piqued.

Basic Principles to Help Yourself

Apply the basic principles that you have learned. Everyone has basic principles by which they define themselves. When your core principles are well-thought-out and defensible, acting in accordance with them will improve your self esteem. If your goals are grounded by your principles, you’ll be more consistent in pursuing them.

Write yourself a pep talk. List the things that you love about yourself on a postcard. Have it with you at all times, and look at it when you want some inspiration. For even more powerful results, record a video of yourself reading your list and watch it frequently. What is the reason?

Talking to a counselor or a religious leader can help you relieve stress. These individuals are trained to listen to your problems and are highly skilled. They are willing to talk things through with you and offer valuable insight. Talking to someone who knows how to listen and help will make you happier, and allow you to reach your goals.

Treat everyone, regardless of status, with a high level of respect. Treat them well, and your actions will speak volumes.

Stay Calm, You’re in Charge

Focus on learning how to stay calm in difficult circumstances, rather than becoming irrational and emotional. If you learn to stay calm during stressful times, you will have the confidence you need to face almost anything in your life. Take time each day to just breathe.

Discover what matters most to you, and put all of your energy toward those things. Self improvement involves focusing on the important things in life while allowing negativity and unimportant matters to drift past.

Don’t allow buying sprees to become an emotional release. Replace shopping with a hobby or a sport. Shopping for comfort can quickly become very expensive, and the bills will add to your stress.

Simplify your life by getting organized. Organization will make you feel good about yourself, and make you feel confident. This will also lead to less stress because the disorganization contributing to it will be eliminated. It is soothing to know that everything is where it belongs.

Learning to react selflessly is a sign of progress in the path of self improvement. Doing good for others will also benefit yourself. You will be a better person, and be recognized as such, when you take steps to benefit other people, regardless of your own gain or loss.

To live life fully, you must be willing to take some risks. Many people stay in their comfort zones to avoid rejection or failure, so they aren’t as happy or fulfilled. Attempting something risky indicates bravery, which is a characteristic that will help you find true happiness.

Your reaction to a situation can determine your level of stress. Acknowledge and manage your stress by carefully analyzing your circumstances. Mistakes can be fixed, and life will go on. Look at what you’ve got instead of focusing on what you lost.

It’s often said that listening is no less important than speaking when it comes to effective communication. Listening definitely applies when developing yourself. Make sure you listen to yourself. You will have a hard time finding what your goals are if you are not listening to yourself.

You must monitor your progress whenever you undertake a self improvement project. The advice in this article should be implemented into your quest for reaching your personal goals. Keeping a journal to track your accomplishments will help you to see just what you have achieved.

Sometimes, the incident that occurred in our past tends to hold us back in our everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to boost your personal development by forgetting your traumatic past.

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Originally posted 2021-03-23 09:15:28.

Additional and Supplemental Treatments for PTSD

With the goal of helping readers to navigate the growing literature on CAM, below we briefly review the current evidence for the most well-established mind-body therapies for PTSD: acupuncture, relaxation training, and meditation.

Based on that evidence, we make recommendations as to the next appropriate steps in pursuing the development of these interventions.


ptsd_acupunctureAcupuncture, a modality of Chinese medicine, encompasses a group of therapies in which needles are inserted into subcutaneous tissue in order to restore balance within body systems. For those interested, Hollifield (2011) provides an accessible summary of the conceptual rationale and proposed biological mechanisms in support of the potential efficacy of acupuncture for PTSD.

One good-quality study identified in the Strauss et al. (2011) review found that improvement in PTSD following 12 weeks of biweekly, 60-minute acupuncture sessions was comparable to a group CBT and greater than waitlist control in a predominantly male, non-Veteran sample (Hollifield, Sinclair-Lian, Warner, & Hammerschlag, 2007). Treatment gains following acupuncture were retained at the 24-month follow-up.

Although the study was methodologically rigorous, strong conclusions cannot be drawn from a single RCT. This study also highlights the challenge of selecting an adequate comparison condition for these novel interventions. The control that was used, a group intervention that included psychoeducation, CBT skills (e.g., behavioral activation, activity planning, cognitive restructuring), and exposure exercises, may have been selected to provide a comparison to treatment as usual or minimal good treatment.

Nonetheless, it does not control for critical features of the technique, such as the application of needles. To understand whether or not study results could be driven by different expectations about the treatments, a control such as placing needles in sham sites would be necessary. Thus, we believe that proof-of-concept has been established for acupuncture, but recommend withholding judgment about its effectiveness for PTSD until additional controlled trials have been conducted.

Read more information here


Strauss et al. (2011) identified three relatively small RCTs of relaxation techniques; they did not demonstrate significant clinical improvement relative to active comparators (Echeburúa, de Corral, Sarasua, & Zubizarreta, 1996; Vaughan et al., 1994; Watson, Tuorila, Vickers, Gearhart, & Mendez, 1997). In each case, interpretation of study findings was hampered by significant methodological flaws, including ambiguous reporting of randomization and treatment of missing data, nonblinded group assignment and/or assessments, and inadequate statistical power. In some cases, lack of clarity about differences between components of the intervention and active comparator further complicate the picture. Additionally, the Echeburúa et al. (1996) study compared a CBT intervention that included instruction in progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) to PMR alone, but the differences in “dosing” and the introduction of PMR within these protocols was not specified. Of note, the Strauss et al. (2011) review of relaxation studies was limited to those in which the intervention was conceptualized as an active treatment and described in sufficient detail to understand the key components.

Five additional studies, in which relaxation showed modest effects and performed less well than active comparators, were excluded
from that review based on these criteria. Relaxation likely has a role to play in helping to manage the arousal associated with PTSD, but relaxation alone is unlikely to be sufficient to reduce other types of symptomatology for many people with PTSD.


The first studies of meditation techniques for PTSD involved mantra meditation (including transcendental meditation and mantra my repetition), a type of meditation that involves intensely focusing attention on an object or word. Studies of these techniques have shown some positive effects but are limited by small sample sizes, enrollment of exclusively male Veterans, and lack of follow-up (Bormann, Thorp, Wetherell, & Golshan, 2008; Brooks & Scarano, 1985). Thus, these studies primarily demonstrate the feasibility of enrolling and retaining Veterans in mediation group interventions.

More recently, Bormann et al. (2012) compared the addition of mantra my repetition to usual care (i.e., medication and case management) to usual care alone, and found modest improvements in symptoms of depression and PTSD. Without a control for nonspecific aspects of the group meetings, however, it is difficult to definitively attribute these gains to use the man tram approach. Work is ongoing to more definitely answer this question. Kearney and colleagues (2012) conducted an uncontrolled study of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) as an adjunct to usual care for Veterans with PTSD.

MBSR is a group intervention that incorporates mindfulness practices, including meditation and yoga. The authors reported a medium effect size in the change in PTSD, depression, and functioning in those who took part in the group. Although mechanisms of change could not be determined by this uncontrolled study design, it is notable that changes were mediated by changes in mindfulness. Because MBSR is a well-established intervention with some demonstrated effectiveness for treatment of anxiety more generally, additional empirical evaluation of MBSR is indicated.

A struggle for those who undertake such studies will be the selection of appropriate controls. For example, it may be appropriate to compare mindfulness to relaxation, to establish that observed changes are attributable to something more than a quiet pause in one’s day. Alternately, it may be important to compare a mindfulness-based approach to other commonly used coping skills, such as cognitive-behavioral anxiety management techniques.

Lang et al. (2012) recently reviewed the theoretical basis for three types of meditation as an intervention for PTSD. Based on the extant literature in this area, it appears that there could potentially be different mechanisms underlying different types of meditative practice. The literature on cognitive changes related to mindfulness suggests that through the practice of shifting attention and assuming a nonjudgmental stance, patients may learn to be less reactive to intrusive or ruminative thoughts. Mantra meditation has more commonly been linked to decreasing physiological arousal.

For patients with PTSD, this may be a good coping strategy for times when memories are intentionally (as in exposure-based therapy) or unintentionally triggered. Compassion meditation, which involves directing feelings of warmth and compassion towards others, has been linked to increases in positive emotion and social connectedness. Given the deficits in positive emotion and feelings of connection with others that are characteristic of PTSD, compassion meditation is a promising strategy but is without empirical application to PTSD. It is also possible that there are nonspecific factors common to all of these types of meditation. Future research should evaluate these approaches and attempt to understand the mechanisms by which they create change.


In summary, CAM is widely requested and used by consumers for a variety of complaints and conditions, and the relevant research base is rapidly evolving. The umbrella of CAM modalities includes a broad range of approaches, not all of which may hold the same level of promise for the treatment of PTSD.

Preliminary findings, albeit mixed, suggest that CAM treatments merit consideration. At this point, there is very limited empirical evidence of their effectiveness, so they may be best applied as an adjunct to other PTSD treatments or as a gateway to additional services for patients who initially refuse other approaches.

Overall, the current evidence base does not support the use of CAM interventions as an alternative to current empirically-established approaches for PTSD, or as first-line interventions recommended within evidence-based clinical guidelines.


This article was originally published by National Center for PTSD
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Originally posted 2021-03-22 21:04:14.

Ways To Have A Good Memory As You Age

Memory - How to improve memory
Memory – How to improve memory

Memory – Is it difficult for you to recall important information? Does your memory seem to fail on you just when you need it most? The insights here can aid in improving memory loss. Keep on reading to find some useful tips and techniques to help you hold on to your memory.

One exercise that can make it easier for you to recall things is to jot notes down. This helps the area of your brain that controls memories by circulating the flow of blood. If you regularly write in diary or fill out a daily planner, you will find that it is easier to remember things more clearly.

You want to study all the information you’re trying to learn in different areas, at different times, as much as you can. You don’t want to limit yourself to associating certain information with certain areas. Instead, you want to keep your brain fresh. Essentially, studying your material in a variety of settings will help you commit the information to your long-term memory more easily.

You should write sticky notes if you are having a difficult time remembering things. Place them in spots you frequently look at, like by your cell phone or computer. Your notes will be handy to jog your memory when you need to remember something important.

Negative Thoughts from Memory

If you’d like a better memory, try to purge negative thoughts from your mind. Research clearly shows that high stress levels are detrimental to memory retention. Negative thoughts have also been shown to interfere with the memory building processes of the brain. Ask your doctor to suggest techniques to reduce stress.

Exercise on a regular basis to preserve your memory. Exercising helps get blood, and thus oxygen, to the brain, which promotes brain health. Your brain is what keeps your memory running, which is why it’s important to keep your body and brain healthy if you want your memory to stay in good shape. Working out is also a great way to prevent illnesses such as diabetes, which some believe can significantly harm memory.

It is beneficial to include fish oil in your diet. Low levels of omega-3 could be the cause of your poor memory. Consider adding a supplement if you are not getting enough in your food.

If you’re studying, one of the things that you could do to improve memory is switching to a different area as you study. Changing your surroundings helps renew your enthusiasm and energy for learning. It also helps your memory work better. When it senses a change in surroundings, the mind re-awakens, and once it’s awake it gains the ability to absorb more information.

Use visualization to jog your memory and help with remembering the ideas and thoughts that are important to you. When faced with memorizing information from books, find ones that utilize images or charts. You could draw your own graphs and charts to assist with your memory, too.

Identify the idea or image that you wish to learn, then tie it to a similar concept that you are more familiar with. Creating links between old and new information will increase the potential for keeping both in your permanent memory banks. Plus, this relational exercise can speed up your memorization process.

Improved memory is just one of the many benefits of regular exercise. Even a modest amount of daily exercise improves brain function.

Try to avoid cramming information. If you need to remember something, create study sessions for yourself. Don’t try learning everything all at once. Your mind may not be able to handle such a large amount at one time, and it can be easily forgotten. Create regular study sessions to get your brain into the habit of remembering.

Even if you are not in school or college, it is crucial that you continue to learn new things. If you don’t study new ideas, you don’t exercise brain cells that contribute to memory. Therefore, when the times comes that you have to remember something, you may have difficulties.

When you need to commit something to memory, it helps to actually speak it out loud. For example, when you learn something, such as a number, say it out loud a few times. Repeating information aloud helps you remember it later. Repeat the information more than once, if possible. You can do this easily if nobody else is around. Develop a thick skin so that you can repeat information in public without embarrassment.

Having good memory skills is extremely helpful. It can help you through your day in countless ways.

Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy to boost your personal development.

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Originally posted 2021-03-22 08:59:03.

Strategies to Assist you in Coping with Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal FatigueAdrenal Fatigue – You could be wondering what has gotten you feeling that way if you feel you have started suffering from Adrenal Fatigue. Everyone responds in a different way to tension and poor eating patterns but chances are that those are your major causes. What you need to do now is find a means to get yourself out of this rut. Check out the pointers in this article as the info will help you begin moving in the right way.

Talk to your boss, let your boss know that you have been clinically determined with adrenal fatigue and that part of the cure consists in standing up and shaking your legs and arms for 3 mins every hour. Bend both your legs very slightly and then straightens them switching legs, as quick as you can. It is an excellent exercise for heating you up, for toning legs, upper legs, and abs and for giving your brain a bit of oxygen.

Adrenal Fatigue is additionally called hyponatremia and it occurs when the adrenal glands are exhausted and will not handle the production of the bodily hormones requested by the body. One’s body goes on a downward spiral as not one of the organs get the hormones they require to operate correctly.

Adrenal Fatigue is mainly an anxiety related disorder. High and constant levels of mental and emotional anxiety could cause your adrenal glandular to begin malfunctioning. From a biochemical viewpoint, nutritional insufficiencies could be accountable as well as the buildup of contaminants in the body through the usage of food additives and reduced quality drinking water.

Nutrition plays an important function in protecting the adrenal glandular in excellent shape. The primary enemies of the glands are white sugar and flour. This stresses the adrenal glandular and could eventually lead to full blown adrenal fatigue.

If you are suffering from adrenal fatigue, use the blood pressure to gauge which phase of compensation the adrenals are in when standing up rapidly. If a seasoned doctor could do the test for you, you will require a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope more than the digital equipment and it would be best. You will need to take a standard BP whilst sitting, then again whilst be lying down then standing up quickly. When the drop is greater than 20mm on last reading, adrenal fatigue can be a cause.

When you suffer from adrenal fatigue your eyes are sensitive to light. You could do this examination. If your pupils are reluctant to contract, or if they have difficulty holding the contraction, adrenal fatigue could possibly be the source.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the “kidney yang” represents the strength of the adrenal glands. When you go to a professional of TCM you can quickly and effectively learn if you are suffering from adrenal fatigue by undergoing an easy “reading of the rhythm”.

Once you have actually started suffering from adrenal fatigue it can appear impossible to get back into a healthy physical and psychological state. Adrenal fatigue could be hard to conquer however with assistance from this write-up and time and perseverance you will manage.

Originally posted 2021-03-21 20:52:33.

Using Brain Supplements

Study and Work Better Using Brain Supplements

by Onaolapo Adeyemi

You will find many reasons why many individuals take supplements. Many others want to enjoy having more energy to do their chores. Some just want to add vitamins to their day by day diet regime.


Scanning of a human brain by X-rays

There are some supplements formulated especially for those that want to be mentally alert. You might wonder why others who use dietary supplements do not simply eat a better diet instead. But the food we consume in daily life does not always supply all the vitamins we need.

Physical stress reduces the body’s ability to take up vitamins from food. Pressure can also mess up your digestion, preventing you from correctly getting the vitamins you need from food. In this case, our bodies may go through lessened efficiency at purifying vitamins from food.

If you’re wondering what the secret of successful others is, it’s this: brain food. Food for the brain means supplements imbued with the best vitamins that can enhance the thinking process. The brain is the most well-worn organ in the system as it is in charge of so many functions. Brain action takes on a greater importance for the day by day tasks. Without good brain action, we will not be able to work or do chores.

Multi-tasking and management demand brain power. In particular, students and personnel are at their best when they have proper brain action. Allow me to share some explanations why you must take supplements for the brain.

Using Brain Supplements For Management Tasks

A good memory will make you more creative in your work as a director or business proprietor. This means thinking about the others in your team and the odd jobs assigned to every single person. The distinction between someone who is stressed out and someone who is well-organized is obviously the way he can memorize these things.

To Fight Off Pressure in Everyday Living

The most effective supervisors are those who can handle pressure well. This also is true if you’re running the everyday jobs that need doing in the home. The arch nemesis of output is stress. Focusing on quite a lot of things at once is hard if your brain is not functioning well. If your brain is healthy, you can continue to action even when the anxiety is tremendous. Brain nutritional vitamin supplements and those that help you fight stress go hand in hand. A few of these nutritional vitamin supplements are produced by Herbs GAIA.

Better Comprehension

To really understand all you’re reading, your brain should preserve information effortlessly. Reading information sources calls for comprehension. If your brain cannot address the overload of information, you often forget a number of the things you have just read. Studying at the last minute during critical reviews becomes bad only when your brain is not up to the task of processing quite a lot of information simultaneously.

Superior Body Capabilities

Normal body action is an additional task that your brain has to bear. Use of vitamins is reliant on whether your brain is healthy or not. Even swallowing calls for a particular quantity of brain energy for the reason that your brain must also manage the task of enzyme production and mastication.

Originally posted 2021-03-21 08:34:44.

Discover Helpful Strategies For Coping With Stress

Coping With Stress by Stretching

Many people feel overly stressed these days. You may have a wide range of responsibilities from your career, family, finances, a pressure to achieve or whatever else life is throwing at you. This article is here to help you reduce your stress.

Learn about your stress. It is very important to recognize which areas of your life contribute to your personal stress levels. Stress can be caused by a lot of things: a situation, a feeling or even a person. If you know what is stressing you, then you can work on reducing or getting rid of it.

Stress Levels

Animals are a proven way to decrease stress levels. There is research that indicates that simply petting a pet for a couple of minutes lowers stress levels.

Don’t rely on alcohol when you are dealing with stress. Drinking in moderation every now and again is a fine idea, but drinking a beer every night to deal with stress is a bad idea. Alcohol abuse may actually cause additional stress, or addiction may set in.

Sometimes, just talking to a trusted friend, who is also a good listener, is an effective way to let go of stress. You can use the conversation to get moral support from the person or just to brighten up your day a little. Try to have a family member or friend that you can turn to when you get stressed.

While many people find video games and similar hobbies relaxing, if you start to get overly frustrated while doing them, you should put them away for a while. Remember, the goal is to have a clear mind so you can feel calm and relaxed, not more frustrated, which can only add to your stress.

Spearmint Oil

Spearmint oil has been proven to help reduce stress. Have a little spearmint oil on hand and put some on your forehead and the back of your neck when you are under stress. Sometimes it is the simple remedies that can be the most effective treatment for stress.

You can make divert stress by preparing for worst-case scenarios in advance. Make sure you have a spare key stored somewhere safe, keep a simple meal on-hand at work, and have a backup babysitting plan, just in case. If you are fully prepared to handle the occasional mishap, you will be able to maintain your sense of control and composure when things go awry.

If you are feeling stressed, take a deep breath before you do anything else. Remove yourself from the situation and allow a count of ten. Take deep breaths, then place yourself back in the present. This will make the difference between acting professional, calm, and proactive rather than defensive, reactionary, and stressed.

Stress Reduction

Music is a wonderful stress reduction tool. Soothing music has long been known to reduce stress and aid in relaxation. Music selection is subjective, so it is important to make choices that appeal to you personally in order for you to achieve the stress reduction that you are looking for. Music that you enjoy releases serotonin in your body which is a natural mood booster.

Put aside some time in your life to practice meditation techniques. All the muscles throughout your body will have the opportunity to relax. Also, your mind can release your busy thoughts for a chance to rest and rejuvenate. Regular meditation sessions can also help you feel more relaxed during everyday activities. This also helps you fight stress in difficult situations.

Understanding the things that are most important to your life can turn managing stress into an easier task. You will find yourself becoming stressed less often, and much happier if you are able to identify which parts of your life are most important.

Try to focus your attention on the quality of your breathing on a regular basis. It may be hard to believe but simply breathing deeply can increase the oxygen in your bloodstream and relax your body rapidly. When someone is feeling stressed, he or she tends to use the upper chest to breathe. Breathing shallowly tightens the chest muscles and increases your heart rate, which just adds to your stress.

If you suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, your body won’t function correctly. Thinking clearly is more difficult, and you cannot manage stress effectively. Getting enough sleep will help you stay alert throughout the day and function at your highest level.

Try removing yourself from a stressful situation. Think calm thoughts and affirm your ability to handle the situation well, and you will give yourself a good chance of doing just that.

Try doing some yoga to eliminate your stress symptoms. The point of yoga is to get your body and mind into a relaxed state. When you are doing yoga, you are thinking only of the movement involved. Your muscles gain flexibility as you move through the positions yoga calls for. This all works in concert to generate peace and tranquility in your entire body.

When trying to control your stress, an excellent suggestion is to think about everything that makes you content. These positive thoughts will relax your body and fill it with chemicals like serotonin and dopamine that will make you feel happy and relieve your stress.

As stated earlier in this article, you might be feeling overwhelmed by stress. Your life is likely busy enough to give you plenty of potentially stressful situations and leave you feeling exhausted. The next time you get that stressed-out feeling, use the advice offered in this article to bring about a feeling of calmness.

Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy to boost your personal development.

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Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

Originally posted 2021-03-20 20:25:05.

How To Get Over Shyness – The One Mistake Most Shy People Make

Shyness – Image by octavio lopez galindo from Pixabay

How To Get Over Shyness 

The one mistake most shy people make to get over shyness – I found this article at and felt I could share it on my Website for you guys to read.  Very informational.

Do you really want to know how to get rid of shyness? Are you prepared to forget everything you thought you knew about being less shy and replace it with the truth? Then read on.

The one biggest mistake I see shy people making is being controlled by their emotions. Nearly all shy people make this basic mistake.

If you avoid people who make you feel shy, then you are being controlled by your emotions.
If you avoid public speaking because it makes you feel anxious, you are being controlled by your emotions.
If you don’t do something just because it makes you feel nervous or afraid, then you are being controlled by your emotions.

I hate to repeat myself, but this is an absolutely essential point on how to get over shyness. In order to get over your shyness, you have to become less controlled by your emotions. This doesn’t mean to suppress your emotions, it simply means to act in spite of them. Mark Twain was the one who said “Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite of it.”

Get_Over_ShynessThat is the ability you need to build if you want to overcome your shyness. You have to have the ability to act in spite of feeling a certain emotion. This means that if you feel afraid to do something, you do it anyway. Act in spite of fear.

If you raise your hand in class even though it makes you nervous, you are acting in spite of fear.
If you talk to people even though they make you feel shy, then you’re no longer being controlled by your emotions.
If you talk to groups and make public presentations, then you are the one in charge now, not your fear.

Once you start acting in spite of fear, you will become more relaxed and easygoing in situations which used to make you nervous and shy. When you stop avoiding your fears, you allow your mind to desensitize to them. In psychology, this is also called habituation.

This approach is very common for therapists to use on someone with social anxiety. In cognitive-behavioral therapy, the “behavioral” part is acting in spite of fear. Of course, many shy people can’t or are not able to simply “face their fears.”

This is why changes to your thinking are also a necessary part of getting over shyness. That’s the cognitive part of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

If you want to learn proven strategies and techniques for overcoming shyness that go far beyond “face your fears” and “what’s the worst that can happen “, then click to check out my blog on how to overcome shyness.

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Originally posted 2021-03-20 08:20:32.

Stress Relief Benefits From Reprocessing Bad Memories

Hey guys.  I was doing some research online and I found this article.  I thought I should share it with you.  It was written By   

Expert Author John J ParrinoJane discovered her fiancé in another woman’s bed. The night of this confrontation – and the tumultuous end of their engagement – haunted her for years after the incident. Flashbacks of the “discovery” scene induced the same spell of nausea and vomiting that occurred on that fateful night. Simply hearing his name provoked hours of crying. Her desire to meet another man was thwarted by this spiral of emotional reactions, and by the time she came for treatment, Jane’s dream of another romance had vanished.

To help Jane with her traumatic memories, I embarked on an alternative therapy technique, EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Dr. Francine Shapiro, the originator of EMDR, delineates eight critical steps of this evidence-based psychotherapy. I had progressed to the Desensitization phase and was preparing Jane to confront the memory.

“Recall the image of the trauma”, I instructed. “Hold the thoughts and emotions of what you experienced. “

Jane reflected: “I feel nausea in the pit to my stomach. I’m inferior to this other woman. It’s my fault, so I must never love again’.

I continued to purposely activate her disturbing beliefs and feelings.

“Focus on the feelings of hurt, anger, and sadness. Feel the nausea in the pit of your stomach.”

When Jane’s thoughts and feelings were clearly in mind, I asked her to follow an unorthodox procedure.

“Now Jane, follow my fingers with your eyes”.

Jane tracked my fingers to the left and right, and within ten bilateral movements, she began breathing rapidly and sobbing. (Patients undergoing this procedure will often experience an intense emotional and body reaction during the first movements).

“You’re going to be fine Jane. Stay with me,” I encouraged her as I kept my fingers moving from side to side.

The images of her ex fiancé and the strong feelings attached to him faded step by step with each set of eye movements, and a deep state of relaxation followed. We continued this way with each traumatic image associated with the “discovery” scene and the breakup.

Within three ninety minute EMDR sessions, the catastrophic scenes had faded, and Jane had difficulty remembering the knot in the pit of her stomach. Her daily diary of feelings showed that the “spells” had disappeared, and were not triggered when she completed a difficult therapy assignment; that is, to confront her ex to demand payment of a loan.

EMDR sessions include the installation of Positive Self-Statements that are visualized, repeated and reinforced with eye movements. We had worked together to strengthen rational thoughts, and by the time Jane was discharged, she ardently believed… “It’s behind me now, all in the past. I’m adequate and worthwhile. I will love again.”

Traumatic Memories. A Century ago, Freud proposed that traumatic memories lurked in the unconscious mind, pulsating in this underground inferno to disrupt our thoughts, feelings and actions. Since then, scientists and practitioners have worked relentlessly to understand the function of what Neuroscientists call “encoded data”: Do bad memories affect our everyday lives? Can we tap into them to help alleviate human suffering?

My renewed interest in “memory work” emerged when I read about a Psychologist who used rapid eye movements to extinguish traumatic memories. I may have dismissed this new therapy as unscientific, but Dr. Shapiro was a Behaviorist in the tradition of the most prominent scientists of the past such as Pavlov, Watson and B.F. Skinner. Why was this respected Behavioral Psychologist waving her fingers before a patient’s eyes? I decided to find out for myself.

Dr. Francine Shapiro is a gifted teacher and thinker. She started our training session with a riveting account of her discovery. The Psychologist was taking a walk in the park and worrying about a significant stressor in her life. She noticed that her eyes were moving rapidly, side to side. When she returned to the anxiety-ridden thoughts, they had diminished in some mysterious way. A pivotal question emerged from this experience: Is there a connection between spontaneous eye movements and the extinction of emotional distress? Did some natural, neurological event eliminate her worries?

As a behavioral scientist, she was compelled to put her clinical intuition to a test. Shapiro embarked on a program to treat Vietnam Veterans who – after decades -continued to be traumatized by their war experiences. The immense success of de-traumatizing war victims launched further work with eye movement therapy, and a revolution in the field of mental health treatment.

For more than two decades, Shapiro has experimented with this exciting finding, and developed it into the most rapidly expanding therapy in the history of mental health. Thousands of clinicians have completed EMDR training and the technique is being tested by controlled studies in labs and universities throughout the world. Presently, EMDR is considered a scientifically validated procedure for the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In addition, successful outcomes are documented for the treatment of other psychiatric disorders, mental health problems and somatic symptoms.

Clinicians are reporting positive outcomes, and the technique is now being applied to symptoms such as chronic pain, anxiety and panic disorders, as well as grief reactions. The treatment procedure is also successful with traumatized children. An admirable feature of Shapiro’s approach is clearly evident in her training sessions: No claims will be made for EMDR’s success without scientific research to back them up.

Reprocessing Bad Memories. To gain a basic understanding of what happens during EMDR, consider this scenario: A child is surrounded by the security of his home environment. Suddenly, the serenity is shattered by the frightening sounds of mom and dad fighting. The child’s two heroes, the only dependable sources of security in his life, are having a knock-down-drag-out. This scares and overwhelms the child, and his reflexive emotional reactions are fear and anxiety. His heart pounds and breathing is rapid. He wants to flee, to retreat to a safe place, but there is nowhere to hide.

Luckily, the fighting subsides and mom and dad approach their child to soothe his frazzled nerves: “It’s just a little disagreement honey. Everything is okay.” This nurturing is helpful, and for the moment, he can let go of the trauma. But the brain has an important job to do: It stores this fear-provoking experience in a memory network that’s coded “dangerous altercations”.

Imagine the multitude of times this danger signal becomes activated in childhood. After years of labeling, storing and coping with stress, our brains have developed numerous networks of memories to remind, prepare and protect us from future threats. And there are billions of brain cells devoted to this task.

As adults, relationship conflict may trigger the activation of this same neural network and avoidance/flight becomes the norm. The distinction between past and present threat is blurred. As far as our brains are concerned, we are still in danger and escape may be our only mode of survival.

In a case of chronic conflict avoidance, an EMDR therapist encourages the individual to call up and hold the threatening memory while focusing on a compelling stimulus (a finger moving rapidly in front of his\her eyes)? The dual task – paying attention and calling up a memory – is inherently difficult for the brain. And, when memory and focused attention occur together, one seems to attenuate the other. This neural pathway to therapeutic success is one of several theories that are currently being investigated to help explain the rapid success of eye movement therapy.

A dual attention task like eye movements, when used by a qualified clinician as part of a comprehensive, eight step treatment plan, speeds up the process of change. Every facet of therapy is accelerated: insight into problems, connecting past to present, the release of powerful emotions, relaxation and behavior change.

The eye movements (and other comparable dual attention maneuvers developed by Shapiro) have a way of breaking into the neural network of the brain that holds dysfunctional memories. Once the clinician breaks into the network, the data spring to life. And when this “release” takes place, resolution is not far behind. According to Shapiro, the memory has been successfully reprocessed.

The Eyes as Healers. Could rapid eye movements be the neurological ‘keys’ that unlock the unconscious mind? Is mental health treatment on the brink of a major revolution, a gigantic leap in the way we think about the brain’s ability to heal? It’s too early to answer these questions with a resounding “yes”. The excitement builds with each clinician trained, each treatment success and research study completed. A brilliant woman with years of clinical experience took a simple walk in the park and reflected on her ‘self’. The science and practice of psychotherapy has profited immeasurably from what she discovered.

Dr. John J. Parrino is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia, and the author of self help and advice books on stress and relationship issues. For more information on his publications and free online articles, go to his website at

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Originally posted 2021-03-19 20:08:20.