People who suffer from extreme and ongoing trauma, neglect, abuse, and even physical and emotional trauma can develop complex PTSD, an often complicated condition that surpasses traditional post-traumatic stress disorder. Complex PTSD does not have a single cause or trigger; it can affect the sufferer in a variety of ways, depending on the severity of the trauma and the severity of its consequences on the sufferer.
Many individuals with complex PTSD report having a hard time adjusting to their normal lives. They may become depressed, anxious, or withdrawn, and they may feel as if they are doomed to repeat the trauma again. They may also find themselves unable to make friends and participate in many of their usual activities because they are always in a state of panic and discomfort.
Because complex PTSD can develop over time and in combination with other traumas, it may be difficult to identify the trigger. A patient may experience physical or emotional trauma, but not have PTSD. A victim may have physical trauma but not PTSD. In fact, some of the symptoms of complex PTSD include extreme pain or fear, flashbacks of the trauma, irritability, insomnia, nightmares, restlessness, and an overwhelming fear of being harmed again.
Unfortunately, there is no single treatment or “cure” for complex PTSD. The treatment options available are typically geared towards relieving the symptoms, helping victims manage the trauma, or preventing it from developing any further.
One treatment option for those suffering from PTSD is to help them cope with the trauma by providing cognitive and/or behavioral therapy in order to work through the trauma and prevent it from recurring. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used in many cases of Complex PTSD and works by teaching victims, how to avoid triggering their flashbacks by avoiding the triggers. This therapy helps sufferers to think differently about their trauma and teaches them how to deal with fear of triggering flashbacks.
Another treatment option for victims of complex PTSD is a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Psychotherapy works by educating sufferers how to think positively about their trauma and help them learn to recognize the negative thoughts, fears, and worries that come to mind during a trauma. Medication, usually used as an adjunct to psychotherapy, is used to treat the symptoms of Complex PTSD, such as depression, anxiety, hyperventilation, insomnia, and panic attacks, as well as other anxiety disorders.
The key to successful treatment for Complex PTSD is to understand the causes and impact of the trauma and to begin with. Once the causes of the trauma have been identified, the therapist will work with the sufferer to determine the best course of treatment. The treatment may include exposure to the trauma, psychotherapy, medication, therapy or psychotherapy, or a combination of all three.
Regardless, of which type of treatment you choose, it is important to remember that treatment for Complex PTSD is a lifelong commitment, not something that can be done overnight. Seek professional help and therapy for Complex PTSD so that you can get the help you need to overcome this complex condition and to help you cope with your feelings and emotions.
The symptoms of PTSD can be very intense and may make it difficult to think logically. If you are experiencing them, seek out help for Complex PTSD today.
If you or someone you love is coping with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), please seek help immediately. There are some powerful treatments available that can help you overcome your symptoms. These treatments will not only help you cope with the symptoms, but they will also teach you how to become more comfortable in new situations. If you have been diagnosed with PTSD, seek help now for the future so you can enjoy your life.
You are not alone in suffering from PTSD. Many people who suffer from this disorder do not receive any help, because there is not one recognized treatment for this disorder.
Please do your research and find out what is available today, and get the help you need now to overcome the symptoms of PTSD. Find out what types of treatment are available, and ask your doctor for more information.
Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy.
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PTSD: National Center for PTSD – EMDR for Military
EMDR Therapy: What You Need to Know – Healthline.com
Originally posted 2021-03-27 10:25:46.