Author: EMDRTherapyAndMentalHealth

  • Complex PTSD

    Complex PTSD

    People who suffer from extreme and ongoing trauma, neglect, abuse, and even physical and emotional trauma can develop complex PTSD, an often complicated condition that surpasses traditional post-traumatic stress disorder. Complex PTSD does not have a single cause or trigger; it can affect the sufferer in a variety of ways, depending on the severity of the trauma and the severity of its consequences on the sufferer.

    Many individuals with complex PTSD report having a hard time adjusting to their normal lives. They may become depressed, anxious, or withdrawn, and they may feel as if they are doomed to repeat the trauma again. They may also find themselves unable to make friends and participate in many of their usual activities because they are always in a state of panic and discomfort.

    Because complex PTSD can develop over time and in combination with other traumas, it may be difficult to identify the trigger. A patient may experience physical or emotional trauma, but not have PTSD. A victim may have physical trauma but not PTSD. In fact, some of the symptoms of complex PTSD include extreme pain or fear, flashbacks of the trauma, irritability, insomnia, nightmares, restlessness, and an overwhelming fear of being harmed again.

    Unfortunately, there is no single treatment or “cure” for complex PTSD. The treatment options available are typically geared towards relieving the symptoms, helping victims manage the trauma, or preventing it from developing any further.

    One treatment option for those suffering from PTSD is to help them cope with the trauma by providing cognitive and/or behavioral therapy in order to work through the trauma and prevent it from recurring. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used in many cases of Complex PTSD and works by teaching victims, how to avoid triggering their flashbacks by avoiding the triggers. This therapy helps sufferers to think differently about their trauma and teaches them how to deal with fear of triggering flashbacks.

    Another treatment option for victims of complex PTSD is a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Psychotherapy works by educating sufferers how to think positively about their trauma and help them learn to recognize the negative thoughts, fears, and worries that come to mind during a trauma. Medication, usually used as an adjunct to psychotherapy, is used to treat the symptoms of Complex PTSD, such as depression, anxiety, hyperventilation, insomnia, and panic attacks, as well as other anxiety disorders.

    The key to successful treatment for Complex PTSD is to understand the causes and impact of the trauma and to begin with. Once the causes of the trauma have been identified, the therapist will work with the sufferer to determine the best course of treatment. The treatment may include exposure to the trauma, psychotherapy, medication, therapy or psychotherapy, or a combination of all three.

    Regardless, of which type of treatment you choose, it is important to remember that treatment for Complex PTSD is a lifelong commitment, not something that can be done overnight. Seek professional help and therapy for Complex PTSD so that you can get the help you need to overcome this complex condition and to help you cope with your feelings and emotions.

    The symptoms of PTSD can be very intense and may make it difficult to think logically. If you are experiencing them, seek out help for Complex PTSD today.

    If you or someone you love is coping with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), please seek help immediately. There are some powerful treatments available that can help you overcome your symptoms. These treatments will not only help you cope with the symptoms, but they will also teach you how to become more comfortable in new situations. If you have been diagnosed with PTSD, seek help now for the future so you can enjoy your life.

    You are not alone in suffering from PTSD. Many people who suffer from this disorder do not receive any help, because there is not one recognized treatment for this disorder.

    Please do your research and find out what is available today, and get the help you need now to overcome the symptoms of PTSD. Find out what types of treatment are available, and ask your doctor for more information.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy.

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    Originally posted 2021-03-27 10:25:46.

  • Manage Stress Levels And Start Relaxing With These Tips

    Learning how to effectively manage daily stress in your life can be an uphill struggle. You need to learn as much as you can about stress if you are planning on dealing with it appropriately. The tips in this article will help you find ways to reduce the amount of stress you experience and live a better life.

    Focus on reducing the level of stress in your everyday life. You can cause severe problems like heart disease, insomnia, muscle aches, and depression if you are stressed. You could avoid this stress by getting enough rest, and you will also be less likely to develop one of these ailments.

    Prepare for tomorrow in any little way that you can today, and you will be surprised by the immediate reduction of stress when you wake up! Everything during a day can add to a bunch of stress, so preparing lunch or clothes tonight can put you ahead tomorrow so that you can have a little less stress tomorrow.

    One way to reduce your stress levels is to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. If you don’t take the time to stay on top of your health, you’ll find yourself stressed out and possibly sick down the road. Make regular appointments for check-ups and screening so that you can stay less stressed and healthy.

    Stop clenching your jaw and consciously relax it. Stress seems to manifest itself in some regions of our bodies, and the jaw is a primary target. When your overwhelming feelings are beginning to take over, brush the index finger against the jaw, clench, then breathe in, and when you release the breath, release your jaw at the same time. This should make you feel better.

    Single out your primary sources of tension, and find ways to minimize or eliminate your exposure to it. Stay far away from the things that may be causing undue stress in your life. You do not need to worry about other people’s drama. The fewer things you have in your life that stress you out, the better your quality of life will be.

    Remember that alcohol is a depressant and is never good for stress relief. Although it’s fine to enjoy a couple of drinks with your friends from time to time, drinking beer or other alcoholic beverages every single night as a means of unwinding is detrimental for several reasons. Regular alcohol consumption can become a habit that leads to addiction and alcoholism.

    If you hear a funny joke or have a pleasant experience, be sure to write it down. In addition to having fun by writing in a journal, it will help you focus on the positive events of life.

    Backup Plan

    To minimize the amount of stress you feel, think in advance about what could go wrong in any given situation. Keep a spare key someplace safe, have a backup plan for a babysitter, and keep a meal at work. If you always have a backup plan in place, you won’t be stressed when your original plans fail.

    If you want to relieve stress, consider participating in crafts projects. Painting, sculpting, drawing, writing, carving, or anything else creative, lets the mind indulge itself for a while free of deadlines and finances.

    An excellent method of calming down when you have a stressful day is to do a particular act for another person. It can be a simple task, like picking flowers or giving candy. Concentrating on others is an excellent distraction from stress, and seeing your loved ones’ happiness can give your mood a much needed boost on a stressful day.

    Learning to forgive other people will help you to reduce stress in your life. Dwelling over the wrongs, others have done to you will only serve to increase anxiety and irritability on an ongoing basis.

    Smiling is an easy and straightforward way to reduce your stress. If you are feeling tense, smiling may make you feel the way you look; relaxed, and calm. So smile every now and then and notice how much your mood improves. Smiling amid a stressful period can really help you relax and unwind.

    Cut down on the caffeine that you consume each day. Coffee can affect hormones such as adrenaline and dopamine to increase stress levels when you drink too much. If you replace your coffee with drinking green tea, it will get rid of stress and not improve it.

    Try just letting go of your stress. Surprisingly, some people resist change even when it could prove beneficial in reducing the effects of stress. As you start to realize that you are not allowing yourself to de-stress, you can begin to change what is causing you to feel this way. Learning that you control your own life can help you improve what you need to, and eliminate any stressful behaviors.

    Your body doesn’t function properly if you don’t get enough sleep. Without enough sleep, you cannot think clearly nor manage stress effectively. If you want to stay alert throughout your day and keep your body running at full potential, you should get all your sleep.

    Step away from the source of stress. Think about things that calm you and confirm your abilities incorrectly handling any situation. Doing this will allow you to succeed in removing yourself from this situation.

    One technique you should consider using to lower your stress is shutting your eyes, and turning on relaxing music. Tension can be relieved by relaxing the senses. Playing music softly can be a great way to nurture your mind and your soul. As you listen to it with your eyes shut, your mind will wander to a more pleasant state. This technique can be most helpful in managing your stress levels and can be practiced just about anywhere.

    As stated previously, reducing your stress is dependent on how much education you can absorb and apply. Knowing how to reduce stress is half the battle to making it more manageable.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy to boost your personal development.

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    Originally posted 2021-03-26 22:10:44.

  • Manage Your Stress For A Happier Life

    Stress can be a very debilitating mental condition. High sstress evels can be debilitating. Decide to stand up to stress and read this article, which will offer you some tips on handling your stress, and becoming more relaxed.

    How to Control Your Stress

    Image by JESHOOTS-com on Pixabay

    You should control your stress levels as much as possible. Too much stress is the cause of numerous health problems like stroke, heart attacks, hypertension, ulcers, depression, insomnia, obesity, and aches and pains. You can reduce stress and health issues by getting enough sleep every night.

    Relax your jaw and try to quit grinding your teeth. When you are under a heavy load of stress, your whole body feels it, but it’s especially felt in your jaw. When you notice yourself becoming overly stressed, use your index finger to press against your jaw. Next, clench your jaw, inhale deeply and exhale deeply to release your jaw. This exercise will help you to relieve tension and stop clenching your jaw.


    Find out what are the major causes of your life’s stress, then figure out how to decrease them as much as you can, or completely get rid of them altogether. If you have friends who constantly add drama and stress to your life, consider a way you can distance yourself from those relationships. Eliminating as many sources of stress as possible can dramatically improve both your attitude and your health.

    The earthy hobby of gardening is a great stress reliever. Stressed out homeowners should easily be able to develop a garden for their yard.

    Hobbies and video games can be relaxing, but if they are causing frustration then it is time to go on to a new activity or rest. It is important to keep in mind that you are trying to clear your thoughts and not replace your stress with powerful frustration.

    Video games are a wonderful form of reducing stress. Games make you focus on strategy, which reduces the energy available for stress and worry. Playing alone or with friends can be a definite mood booster.

    If you have a special someone, go out on romantic outings regularly. This date will give you an opportunity to focus on your relationship without focusing on things which stress you.

    Be wary of any body parts that tense up whenever you feel stressed. Common sources of clenching are teeth, fingers, shoulders, and lower back muscles. Once you locate the points where you direct your stress, make an extra effort to stretch those body parts to dissipate that stress. This will enable you to relax a little and lower your stress level.

    Before you take action when you are under stress, take the time to breathe first. Take a moment by yourself to count out ten deep breaths before trying to tackle the issue at hand. Although this is a simple strategy, it may make a world of difference in the way you react to unfavorable conditions.

    Reduce anxiety and stress by deciding to be honest, no matter what. Studies show that small lies can create a lot of guilt and make many people anxious about being caught.

    Take a break and do some breathing exercises. A deep breath can be quite calming when you feel anxiety or stress start to build up. Research has even shown that it can reduce these feelings if you make deep breathing a habit.

    Enjoying a citrusy snack can help to ease your nerves while you are out and about. Also, Vitamin C combats stress-induced sicknesses, like a cold or cough.

    One overlooked but effective method to combat stress is to simply smile more. When you smile, your emotional center or limbic system is stimulated. Smiling, therefore, will stimulate your brain, calm you down and make you happy.

    Sit down to a snack! Foods rich in carbohydrates produce serotonin in your brain, which makes you feel happier. Try a whole grain option such as a bagel or pasta if you’re looking for healthy ways to boost your serotonin.

    Create plans for yourself. By having a clear goal, you will be able to focus less on your stress when it comes up. If you like music, plan to go to a concert, or if you like movies, plan on seeing one.

    Organizing your life is a great stress reliever. A lot of stress comes from forgetting something or from losing something, which causes frustration. The organization will bring structure to your life, and make you feel like you are in control. Once you start becoming more organized, you will quickly find your stress levels dropping.

    A great stress reliever is focusing on an image that soothes the eyes and mind. Images of flowers, the ocean, waterfalls, or mountains can help to relax your mind, making stressful situations feel more tolerable. If you don’t have pictures, use your imagination to visualize a beautiful scenario. If you can imagine yourself in a peaceful setting, you will feel much less stress.

    Stress causes millions of dollars in lost productivity in all sectors of the economy. The only motivation that stress provides is the motivation to give up. This article should have provided you with new knowledge on how you can best deal with your stress.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy to boost your personal development.

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    Originally posted 2021-03-26 10:04:40.

  • Anxiety Treatment: Therapy that Combats Stress

    Anxiety Treatment: Therapy that Combats Stress.  Almost all cases of anxiety disorders, such as phobias, post-traumatic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and others can be treated through behavioral therapy and through medication.

    anxiety_disorder_and_treatmentThe common mental therapy treatment options for people suffering from anxiety disorders are cognitive behavioral therapy, stress relieving or relaxation therapy, exercise, and group therapy. Even though the methods of anxiety treatment may be different, all the above-mentioned treatments rely on one underlying principle: i.e. to induce strength and resilience in the individual to be able to face any unpleasant life situation and to face the sources of stress, imaginary or real, with fortitude. If anxiety interferes with daily activities, a person may need treatment with medicines (such as antidepressants or antianxiety medications) and/or professional counseling.

    Anxiety disorders are a type of mental illness characterized by severe anxiety that interferes with a person’s life. Anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling of fear, uneasiness, or concern that something bad is about to happen.

    Anxiety disorders include:

    • Generalized anxiety disorder, which involves several months of ongoing physical symptoms that occur along with anxiety.
    • Panic disorders, which involve repeated episodes of sudden fear and feelings of danger or impending doom, along with physical symptoms.
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder, which involves frequent, repeated thoughts leading to repeated or persistent behavior (such as excessive hand-washing).
    • Posttraumatic stress disorder, which involves reliving a traumatic event (such as a war experience or rape) and feelings of numbness and disinterest in daily activities.

    These disorders can be treated with medicines and/or counseling. (VA Health Library)

    Anxiety Treatment

    One of the most popular anxiety treatment options for anxiety disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy, is based on the principle that our emotions influence our behavior. So, for an individual to function effectively, it is essential that he should think positively and harbor constructive thoughts. The therapist helps the individual to recognize the thoughts and the beliefs that are unpleasant to the individual and strengthens him by devising a strategy to face the situations and thoughts that are unpleasant and fear to provoke for him. The cognitive behavioral therapy includes lessons on slow breathing, relaxation techniques and education about anxiety, as well.

    Relaxation therapy, another popular means of anxiety treatment, educates the individual about various relaxation techniques that help him to release the muscular and the psychological tension that he experiences every time he faces an undesirable situation. The relaxation techniques could include exercises on slow breathing, isometric relaxation, meditation, visualization, and self-hypnosis. The individual should practice these relaxation techniques on a regular basis and especially when he feels that he may experience an anxiety attack soon, due to the increase in the anxiety level triggered by some unpleasant source.

    Mental health therapies are always a better option than prescription medicines because of the side effects that are often associated with the use of prescription drugs. Also, prescription drugs do not alter the behavior of the individual or help him face the unpleasant situations but only provide relief from the anxiety and stress on a short-term basis. On the other hand, behavioral therapies like the ones mentioned above have been proven to be effective, non-drug induced anxiety treatment to combat anxiety that is also recommended by the doctors themselves.


    VA Health Library

    ARMY MWR Library


    Originally posted 2021-03-25 21:59:13.

  • Relaxation Therapy

    Relaxation therapy really had its birth in the 1970’s. While it was around before then, it was during the general renaissance of psychotherapy, the relaxation therapy also got its foothold in popular culture. Relaxation therapy is the use of muscle relaxation to treat somatic problems, the most common of which being high anxiety. Relaxation therapy has also been found very effective in the use of tension headaches and moderately effective in the treatment of migraine headaches.

    relaxation_therapyWhile relaxation therapy is most commonly used in the treatment of psychopathologies, such as panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), it has been found just effective in the treatment and control of common anxiety issues. These issues include all types of performance anxiety and well as many types of social phobias. Relaxation therapy is also commonly found used in conjunction or as a part of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

    All of this is said to show that while often overlooked in the world of psychotherapies, relaxation therapy has great benefits and truly belongs along the side of many of the other popular therapies out there today.

    The method of relaxation therapies varies greatly. One of the most commonly used is known as biofeedback. Essentially, one follows a list of instructions that run through the entire body, tensing and relaxing each muscle in turn. Not only does this assist in the somatic aspect of relaxation, but it also assists in the mental aspect of stress and relaxation. By consciously focusing on one’s different body parts, and the tensing and relaxing thereof, the mind becomes free of the daily stresses and worries that cloud and inhibit its functioning.

    Another common method is that of controlled breathing. It involves deep breathing and is often coupled with the utterance of some type of mantra on the exhale. The great thing about breathing therapy is its functionality; it can be done almost anywhere and in very little time. In conclusion, relaxation therapy, while not often talked about, is a very effective way to treat many of life’s problems, the most common of which being high anxiety.

    Stress Relief: Relaxation

    Stress is a physical and emotional response to overwhelming responsibilities, events, and changes. Focusing the mind helps provide stress relief. Taking 5 to 10 minutes to practice relaxation each day helps you feel more refreshed. The following exercises can be done almost anywhere. Try one or more until you find what works best for you.

    Calm Your Mind

    Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Then try the following:

    • Sit comfortably. Take off your shoes. Turn off distractions like your cell phone or pager. Take a few deep breaths.
    • Focus your mind on one peaceful thought, image, or word. You can repeat a saying, a word, a poem, or a prayer. Hold these thoughts for 5 minutes.
    • When other thoughts enter your mind, relax and refocus by reminding yourself that this is a time to rest and relax and that you will address your worries later. Go back to your peaceful thought. Let the distracting thoughts fall away.
    • When you’re done, stand up slowly and stretch your arms over your head. With practice, this exercise can help you feel restored.

    Calm Your Body

    With practice, you can use mental cues to help your body relax.

    • Sit comfortably and clear your mind. A few deep breaths will help.
    • Mentally focus on your left hand and repeat to yourself, “My left-hand feels warm and still.” Keep doing this until your hand does feel warmer and more still.
    • Repeat the exercise using your right hand. Then focus on your arms, legs, and feet until your whole body feels relaxed.
    • When you’re done, stand up slowly and stretch your arms overhead.

    Relaxation Therapy Through Visualization

    Visualization is like taking a mental vacation. It frees your mind while keeping your body in a calm state. To get started, picture yourself feeling warm and relaxed. Choose a peaceful setting that appeals to you and fill in the details. If you imagine a tropical beach, listen to the waves on the shore. Feel the sun on your face. Dig your toes in the sand. By using the power of your mind, you can take a soothing break when you need to.

    Article from the VA National Library.  For more information visit VA.GOV

    Originally posted 2021-03-25 09:55:15.

  • Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks Without Medication

    Eliminate anxiety and most panic attacks.  Sufferers are into some kind of medications either anti-depressants, tranquilizers, etc.  These medications can really be helpful if it can be used properly. There are a lot of panic attack sufferers who cannot function normally with their daily life without the aid of medications prescribed by their doctors. Once a panic attack sufferer learns to manage and control panic attacks, specialists give treatment methods to slowly decrease dosage of medications. If you become too dependent on drugs, it may cause other problems in the future. Despite all of these scary facts about prescription anxiety drugs, you don’t have to worry because anxiety can also be treated naturally. Yet, you must first consult your physician before taking any steps.

    anxiety_disorder_and_treatmentOnce a panic attack sufferer learns to manage and control panic attacks, specialists give treatment methods to slowly decrease dosage of medications. If you become too dependent on drugs, it may cause other problems in the future. Despite all of these scary facts about prescription anxiety drugs, you don’t have to worry because anxiety can also be treated naturally. Yet, you must first consult your physician before taking any steps.

    When you experience panic attacks regularly, , you are experiencing intrusive thoughts about something, maybe about your family, your safety, your health etc. These results to some physiological effects such as, trembling, sweating, nausea, chest pain and shortness of breath. Eliminating anxiety and panic attacks and learning how to control your fears and anxiety is very important.

    Listed below are some ways on how to eliminate panic attacks naturally

    Stay well hydrated. A good drinking habit will help you in eliminating anxiety and panic attacks. As we all know, water offers beneficial nutrients to the body thus making our body function well. One symptom of water deficiency is anxiety and anxiety is one signal the body sends when a person lacks water in his body. Drink eight glasses of water daily to make you physically and emotionally fit.

    Appropriate diet. Your body will function at its best when there is balance in your diet. Try to go on a diet which involves food that reduces stress. An acidic diet could trigger anxiety, caffeine and salt must be taken in moderation. Try to have an alkaline diet.  This diet contains vegetables and other food which is rich in vitamins. This will be able to help your body fight anxiety.

    Get enough rest and sleep. You will be more physically and mentally healthy when you have sufficient rest. You more unlikely to give in to your unwanted thoughts and you’re simply more in control with your anxiety.

    Breathing workouts. Through many breathing workouts, it would really help you to be calm.. Deep breathing will assist you to release tension. Breathing exercises is very helpful in eliminating anxiety and panic attack.

    Find the causes of your anxiety.. Panic attacks has many causes. Find what triggers your situation. It maybe a fear of spiders or talking to large crowds. Whenever you are helpless and stressed, panic attacks could strike you. Eliminating anxiety and panic attacks involves determining your triggers.

    While medications can be helpful in most cases, it is important to know that there are more options to cope with panic attacks and anxiety disorder without using drugs.  Find out easy to follow steps in eliminating anxiety and panic attacks with no medications by continuously visiting this Web site.

    Originally posted 2021-03-24 21:49:43.

  • Anxiety Attack Symptom: Triggers of Stress

    Anxiety Attack Symptom – Stress and anxiety are considered to be the natural defense mechanisms of the body that are triggered off whenever we have to face an unpleasant situation.

    Anxiety_Attack_SymptomHowever, when these defense mechanisms take the form of severe anxiety or stress that persists even when there is no unpleasant source to trigger them off, it becomes necessary to recognize that these are an anxiety attack symptom and are abnormal, which means that the individual needs medical treatment or other sources of help to be able to lead a normal life.


    Anxiety Attack Symptom: Triggers of Stress

    It is essential that to seek appropriate help, people should be able to recognize an anxiety attack symptom in their own behavior and also in the behavior of their loved ones. The most common symptoms of an anxiety attack are as follows; constant worry over sources of trouble that are absent and are unlikely to be ever present; body pains, soreness and muscular tension that does not emanate from any illness or injury; insomnia; dizziness and lightheadedness; nausea or diarrhea and recurring troublesome thoughts that prevent you from engaging yourself in any activity. Even though most of us may experience an anxiety attack symptom once in a while, it is the recurrence of these symptoms over and over again that indicate that the individual may be suffering from Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, post-traumatic disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder.

    An anxiety attack symptom can often last for more than a few minutes and the severity of the symptoms usually increases with time. There is never an apparent cause present as a cause for these symptoms and most people who have recurrent anxiety attacks also suffer consistently from the fear of having another attack. If you or any of your loved ones are experiencing a repetition of the symptoms mentioned above, it is desirable to seek professional help right away. Contrary to a general opinion that anxiety attacks subside with age, they may actually become worse and manifest themselves in more complicated symptoms. Virtually all cases of an anxiety attack symptom can now be handled through drug therapy combined with behavior therapy.

    Solutions to Anxiety Attack Symptom: Triggers of Stress

    1. Get a pet
    2. Sex – Some people use sex as a stress reducer
    3. Breathing Exercise
    4. Hot bath can also do the trick when you spend few hours soaking your tired body in the tub
    5. Go on a road trip, when you have the chance.

    The above list is not an exhaustive list.  There are many ways you can relieve your body of stress.  One of the recommended ways is EMDR therapy

    If you enjoy this content, be kind enough to share it with friends and family.  Don’t forget to read this site’s medical disclaimer

    Originally posted 2021-03-24 09:40:39.

  • Depression And Suicide

    Eighteen-year-old Catherine had everything: the most supportive family, a loving boyfriend, impressive set of friends and comfortable life. But all of these things took a backseat when she was diagnosed with depression.

    From the bubbly chatterbox that she was, she morphed into a melancholic girl who had nothing in mind but to kill herself. “There is nothing left to live for. I’m worthless and hopeless.” That statement ran in her head over and over again. She wanted to jump off the bridge or drink formaldehyde on a whim. She was suicidal.

    Depression And Suicide
    johnhain / Pixabay

    It took a lot of trips to the doctor and support from her family and friends before Catherine bounced back to normalcy. Now, the melancholia and suicidal thoughts are gone. She has just finished college and is about to start her dream job.

    Suicide is defined as the act of killing oneself intentionally. It stems from severe depression, an illness that intervenes with the mental, physical and emotional aspect of a person.

    The majority of depressed people do not die from suicide. But depression does trigger a higher suicidal risk. New data has reported that two percent of sad people who have received treatment for depression in an outpatient scenario might die by suicide. Four percent of those who were treated in an inpatient hospital setting might also die by the same method.

    Those who have suicidal attempts before are also likely to die by suicide later on. Another research shows that 7 percent of men with a history of depression will eventually kill themselves whereas only 1 percent of women with a history of depression will do.

    Those who have had mood disorders commit suicide. The clinically depressed younger ones often turn to substance abuse to kill themselves.

    The most common method of suicide is by the use of firearms, as it makes up the 60 percent of deaths. From a study of the National Institute of Mental Health, about 80 percent of white males commit suicide by shooting themselves. This number pushes the resolve that a firearm must be removed from the home if a family member is discovered to be at risk for suicide.

    The next most common method for men is hanging whereas drug overdose or self-poisoning is the second most common suicidal method for the women.

    Other than depression, there are other risk factors for suicide like:

    1. Impulsivity – There are people out who do things on a whim. If one has a gun in hand, he might shoot himself out of an impulse.
    2. Traumatic life events – A death of a loved one, financial rut or other adversity might compel a person to kill him or herself.

    3. History of suicide in the family – There is such a thing as “suicide contagion” in which a person is exposed to suicides and suicidal attempts often. This exposure can become a risk factor for killing oneself.

    4. Family violence – If there is physical or sexual abuse, the victim of the injury might turn to suicide to end the ordeal.

    5. Suicide attempt before – He has done it before, why not do it again?

    6. Alcohol and drug abuse An alcoholic or drug addict will reach a point when he will have no qualms about killing himself.

    Depression is a problem that has to be uprooted to keep suicidal thoughts at bay. If a person is suicidal, it is a must that he receives professional treatment. Usually, those who are thinking of killing themselves do not know they need help.

    Depression And Suicide

    Preventing suicide is no easy feat, either. It is in this light that you must establish a broad and extensive suicide prevention program. These programs must zero in on the treatment of depression and drug abuse.

    Before being launched to the public, the application must be assessed scientifically and tested first for effectiveness and safety. They must also be extensive and complicated enough so that the effects will last a long time and eventually banish all suicidal thoughts. They must also be carried out according to the age, culture, and gender of the suicidal patients.

    Depression and suicide do go together, but if one works hard to combat depression thoughts of suicide will be banished.

    Originally posted 2021-03-23 21:26:56.

  • Tips You Can Use To Help Yourself

    Help Yourself

    Help yourself – Getting interested in personal development is an expression of the urge to define and improve yourself. Self improvement usually focuses on increasing your self-awareness, expanding your knowledge, taking steps towards achieving personal goals and working on spiritual growth. You’ll find tips and techniques within this article which will help you to find success in your journey. Taking steps can help you find a better understanding of yourself.

    Reading books on the subject of self improvement or self-improvement is good for you. A good book can help you find new ways to reach for your goals and improve yourself. Look for a book that is backed by very positive and very credible reviews because certain personal development books are written terribly.

    Always be ready to capture your good ideas when they occur, wherever you may be. Pack some paper with you when you go out. Scribble detailed notes when something comes to you, and then carry them out whenever your creativity is piqued.

    Basic Principles to Help Yourself

    Apply the basic principles that you have learned. Everyone has basic principles by which they define themselves. When your core principles are well-thought-out and defensible, acting in accordance with them will improve your self esteem. If your goals are grounded by your principles, you’ll be more consistent in pursuing them.

    Write yourself a pep talk. List the things that you love about yourself on a postcard. Have it with you at all times, and look at it when you want some inspiration. For even more powerful results, record a video of yourself reading your list and watch it frequently. What is the reason?

    Talking to a counselor or a religious leader can help you relieve stress. These individuals are trained to listen to your problems and are highly skilled. They are willing to talk things through with you and offer valuable insight. Talking to someone who knows how to listen and help will make you happier, and allow you to reach your goals.

    Treat everyone, regardless of status, with a high level of respect. Treat them well, and your actions will speak volumes.

    Stay Calm, You’re in Charge

    Focus on learning how to stay calm in difficult circumstances, rather than becoming irrational and emotional. If you learn to stay calm during stressful times, you will have the confidence you need to face almost anything in your life. Take time each day to just breathe.

    Discover what matters most to you, and put all of your energy toward those things. Self improvement involves focusing on the important things in life while allowing negativity and unimportant matters to drift past.

    Don’t allow buying sprees to become an emotional release. Replace shopping with a hobby or a sport. Shopping for comfort can quickly become very expensive, and the bills will add to your stress.

    Simplify your life by getting organized. Organization will make you feel good about yourself, and make you feel confident. This will also lead to less stress because the disorganization contributing to it will be eliminated. It is soothing to know that everything is where it belongs.

    Learning to react selflessly is a sign of progress in the path of self improvement. Doing good for others will also benefit yourself. You will be a better person, and be recognized as such, when you take steps to benefit other people, regardless of your own gain or loss.

    To live life fully, you must be willing to take some risks. Many people stay in their comfort zones to avoid rejection or failure, so they aren’t as happy or fulfilled. Attempting something risky indicates bravery, which is a characteristic that will help you find true happiness.

    Your reaction to a situation can determine your level of stress. Acknowledge and manage your stress by carefully analyzing your circumstances. Mistakes can be fixed, and life will go on. Look at what you’ve got instead of focusing on what you lost.

    It’s often said that listening is no less important than speaking when it comes to effective communication. Listening definitely applies when developing yourself. Make sure you listen to yourself. You will have a hard time finding what your goals are if you are not listening to yourself.

    You must monitor your progress whenever you undertake a self improvement project. The advice in this article should be implemented into your quest for reaching your personal goals. Keeping a journal to track your accomplishments will help you to see just what you have achieved.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in our past tends to hold us back in our everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to boost your personal development by forgetting your traumatic past.

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    Originally posted 2021-03-23 09:15:28.

  • Additional and Supplemental Treatments for PTSD

    With the goal of helping readers to navigate the growing literature on CAM, below we briefly review the current evidence for the most well-established mind-body therapies for PTSD: acupuncture, relaxation training, and meditation.

    Based on that evidence, we make recommendations as to the next appropriate steps in pursuing the development of these interventions.


    ptsd_acupunctureAcupuncture, a modality of Chinese medicine, encompasses a group of therapies in which needles are inserted into subcutaneous tissue in order to restore balance within body systems. For those interested, Hollifield (2011) provides an accessible summary of the conceptual rationale and proposed biological mechanisms in support of the potential efficacy of acupuncture for PTSD.

    One good-quality study identified in the Strauss et al. (2011) review found that improvement in PTSD following 12 weeks of biweekly, 60-minute acupuncture sessions was comparable to a group CBT and greater than waitlist control in a predominantly male, non-Veteran sample (Hollifield, Sinclair-Lian, Warner, & Hammerschlag, 2007). Treatment gains following acupuncture were retained at the 24-month follow-up.

    Although the study was methodologically rigorous, strong conclusions cannot be drawn from a single RCT. This study also highlights the challenge of selecting an adequate comparison condition for these novel interventions. The control that was used, a group intervention that included psychoeducation, CBT skills (e.g., behavioral activation, activity planning, cognitive restructuring), and exposure exercises, may have been selected to provide a comparison to treatment as usual or minimal good treatment.

    Nonetheless, it does not control for critical features of the technique, such as the application of needles. To understand whether or not study results could be driven by different expectations about the treatments, a control such as placing needles in sham sites would be necessary. Thus, we believe that proof-of-concept has been established for acupuncture, but recommend withholding judgment about its effectiveness for PTSD until additional controlled trials have been conducted.

    Read more information here


    Strauss et al. (2011) identified three relatively small RCTs of relaxation techniques; they did not demonstrate significant clinical improvement relative to active comparators (Echeburúa, de Corral, Sarasua, & Zubizarreta, 1996; Vaughan et al., 1994; Watson, Tuorila, Vickers, Gearhart, & Mendez, 1997). In each case, interpretation of study findings was hampered by significant methodological flaws, including ambiguous reporting of randomization and treatment of missing data, nonblinded group assignment and/or assessments, and inadequate statistical power. In some cases, lack of clarity about differences between components of the intervention and active comparator further complicate the picture. Additionally, the Echeburúa et al. (1996) study compared a CBT intervention that included instruction in progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) to PMR alone, but the differences in “dosing” and the introduction of PMR within these protocols was not specified. Of note, the Strauss et al. (2011) review of relaxation studies was limited to those in which the intervention was conceptualized as an active treatment and described in sufficient detail to understand the key components.

    Five additional studies, in which relaxation showed modest effects and performed less well than active comparators, were excluded
    from that review based on these criteria. Relaxation likely has a role to play in helping to manage the arousal associated with PTSD, but relaxation alone is unlikely to be sufficient to reduce other types of symptomatology for many people with PTSD.


    The first studies of meditation techniques for PTSD involved mantra meditation (including transcendental meditation and mantra my repetition), a type of meditation that involves intensely focusing attention on an object or word. Studies of these techniques have shown some positive effects but are limited by small sample sizes, enrollment of exclusively male Veterans, and lack of follow-up (Bormann, Thorp, Wetherell, & Golshan, 2008; Brooks & Scarano, 1985). Thus, these studies primarily demonstrate the feasibility of enrolling and retaining Veterans in mediation group interventions.

    More recently, Bormann et al. (2012) compared the addition of mantra my repetition to usual care (i.e., medication and case management) to usual care alone, and found modest improvements in symptoms of depression and PTSD. Without a control for nonspecific aspects of the group meetings, however, it is difficult to definitively attribute these gains to use the man tram approach. Work is ongoing to more definitely answer this question. Kearney and colleagues (2012) conducted an uncontrolled study of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) as an adjunct to usual care for Veterans with PTSD.

    MBSR is a group intervention that incorporates mindfulness practices, including meditation and yoga. The authors reported a medium effect size in the change in PTSD, depression, and functioning in those who took part in the group. Although mechanisms of change could not be determined by this uncontrolled study design, it is notable that changes were mediated by changes in mindfulness. Because MBSR is a well-established intervention with some demonstrated effectiveness for treatment of anxiety more generally, additional empirical evaluation of MBSR is indicated.

    A struggle for those who undertake such studies will be the selection of appropriate controls. For example, it may be appropriate to compare mindfulness to relaxation, to establish that observed changes are attributable to something more than a quiet pause in one’s day. Alternately, it may be important to compare a mindfulness-based approach to other commonly used coping skills, such as cognitive-behavioral anxiety management techniques.

    Lang et al. (2012) recently reviewed the theoretical basis for three types of meditation as an intervention for PTSD. Based on the extant literature in this area, it appears that there could potentially be different mechanisms underlying different types of meditative practice. The literature on cognitive changes related to mindfulness suggests that through the practice of shifting attention and assuming a nonjudgmental stance, patients may learn to be less reactive to intrusive or ruminative thoughts. Mantra meditation has more commonly been linked to decreasing physiological arousal.

    For patients with PTSD, this may be a good coping strategy for times when memories are intentionally (as in exposure-based therapy) or unintentionally triggered. Compassion meditation, which involves directing feelings of warmth and compassion towards others, has been linked to increases in positive emotion and social connectedness. Given the deficits in positive emotion and feelings of connection with others that are characteristic of PTSD, compassion meditation is a promising strategy but is without empirical application to PTSD. It is also possible that there are nonspecific factors common to all of these types of meditation. Future research should evaluate these approaches and attempt to understand the mechanisms by which they create change.


    In summary, CAM is widely requested and used by consumers for a variety of complaints and conditions, and the relevant research base is rapidly evolving. The umbrella of CAM modalities includes a broad range of approaches, not all of which may hold the same level of promise for the treatment of PTSD.

    Preliminary findings, albeit mixed, suggest that CAM treatments merit consideration. At this point, there is very limited empirical evidence of their effectiveness, so they may be best applied as an adjunct to other PTSD treatments or as a gateway to additional services for patients who initially refuse other approaches.

    Overall, the current evidence base does not support the use of CAM interventions as an alternative to current empirically-established approaches for PTSD, or as first-line interventions recommended within evidence-based clinical guidelines.


    This article was originally published by National Center for PTSD
    VA Medical Center (116D)
    215 North Main Street
    White River Junction
    Vermont 05009-0001 USA

    Originally posted 2021-03-22 21:04:14.