

  • Temperament, Trauma and Anger

    Anger, temperament, and trauma – Psychology is interesting science, and with the help of psychology, we can research the hidden corners of our souls.

    This fact may be thrilling and even make you discover something new concerning your personality and traits of your character. You can make many tests and figure out what your reaction would be to a particular event, how you will act in extreme scenarios and many more.

    PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

    The word temperament was first coined by a well-known Russian scientist, I.P. Pavlov. He made a theory of attitude after doing several types of research on the topic, and experiments prove his theory. In his personal experience, essay, and notes he provides an in-depth description of a person’s reaction to the same event. You sit peacefully on a bench in the park and read the newspaper.

    You bought a brand new car today, but the day is hot, so you put it nearby on the bench and continue to read. You see an old lady approaching. She takes a free seat near you and says nothing, opens a book and reads. All of a sudden, it dawns on you that she’s sitting on your new cap. What will be your reaction? If you laugh and make jokes to calm the poor granny down, you’re a sanguine. If you start to yell and your face turns red of the strain, and you do not care about the granny who’s probably going to have a heart attack, you’re choleric. If you burst into tears and allow the granny to comfort you, you’re melancholic; and in the event, you ignore everything such as grannies sitting on your cap and the start of the rain you’re a typical phlegmatic.

    These for types can be described by anybody who makes observations in an experienced essay when you have enough patience to observe your reactions to different situations long enough.  Temperament is not the only field to research to find out new things about you. You might also try to prove Freud’s theory, who says that intellect is wholly subjected to the passionate nature of a human being and his/her needs. You might see for yourself if you can find “collective unknown” and “individual unknown” which might also be very fascinating.

    Lastly, there are lots of IQ tests that make you understand better by which direction to work to make your mental abilities better. You cannot just experiment with yourself but have a friend who’s willing to find out something new about his nature. Psychology is still a developing science, and to ensure that it can be a motivator to try your skills in this field professionally. Who knows, perhaps you’re a born psychologist?

    How Do You Use Your Ability to Communicate?

    Psychology can be helpful in many ways. We have seen the power of psychology through several legal cases when alleged criminals are charged and or convicted of a crime they thought nobody could solve.

    Some desperate people use the power of psychology to get the kind of woman they so desire. Most people today apply the force of psychology to market goods and services. I’ll lay more interest in the case of female attraction.

    The Action
    If you have been wondering why you can’t seem to attract any girls, then read carefully, because this article is going to teach you how to get a girlfriend quick and easy! You see, some men have dedicated their lives to studying attraction and female psychology, and they found answers that any person can learn and use, turning from being no good with ladies to a master seducer.

    To realize how to get a girlfriend, you have to understand that it is much simpler to create a connection with her whenever you interact with her on an emotional level, it is said that the most erogenous zone in girls may be the brain, and once you apply what I tell you, you will discover that it’s correct. Very often women structure their decisions on the way they feel, differently from males that tend to apply logic more.

    When you can master how to utilize this to your advantage, then you’ll be able to get a partner quickly. You need to target your attempts on getting her sentimentally stimulated: never be dull or leader, do not be scared to have your say or have strong reactions; ladies regularly test men in this regard, and if you do not react in a manner that displays sentiment, you fail the test.

    Probably the most vital ability that you must master is the best way to attract a girl: to do that, you need to awaken the real feelings that may eventually lead to the attraction on her part: from then on, it is incredibly straightforward to transform that fascination into a romance!

    But how should I do that, you ask? Well, I have fantastic news! You see, as I pointed out there are men who spent numerous hours experimenting and learning on the best way to do this, so the majority of the tough work has already been done! You only need to learn what they found, and then put it into action. You can find many sorts of ladies, and each requires subtle distinct techniques to get her mentally aroused.

    This article did a great job explaining how to use these result of female psychology.

    This practice is part 1 of the many ways you can harness the power of psychology to get anything you want. Check on my blog next week to read the part 2 of the power of psychology.


    Your friend
    Onaolapo Adeyemi
    Army and Navy Veteran.

    Originally posted 2021-04-19 17:31:03.

  • VA Disability Codes

    VA Disability Codes

    VA disability codes – The VA provides codes to indicate the kind and severity of the disability. It’s critical to understand your VA disability code so you can keep track of your service-related injuries. A large number of VA disability codes can be found. The best approach to find these is to use a search engine. For example, if you’re looking for the “respiratory” disability code, you’d key in “respiratory,” and the code would most likely be clearly displayed on the first site that comes up. When it mentions VA disability codes, it’s possible that they don’t mean what they say. This is due to the fact that there are many various sorts of VA impairments, which you may learn about in this article. “About 36 percent of Post-9/11 Veterans had a service-connected disability versus 19 percent of all other Veterans. For the Post-9/11 Veteran population, a higher percentage female than male Veterans were age 34 or younger,” Va.gov special reports.

    VA Disability Compensation Codes and Rates

    The VA  disability and compensation codes and rates of wartime can be found from the U.S. Code, Title 38, Part II, Chapter 11, Subchapter II, § 1114 of the 38 U.S. Code § 1114 – Rates of wartime disability compensation through Pub. L. 114-38 of the Public Laws for the current Congress. (a)  if and while the disability is rated 10 percent the monthly compensation shall be $123; (b) if and while the disability is rated 20 percent the monthly compensation shall be $243; (c) if and while the disability is rated 30 percent the monthly compensation shall be $376; (d) if and while the disability is rated 40 percent the monthly compensation shall be $541; (e) if and while the disability is rated 50 percent the monthly compensation shall be $770; (f)  if and while the disability is rated 60 percent the monthly compensation shall be $974; (g) if and while the disability is rated 70 percent the monthly compensation shall be $1,228; (h) if and while the disability is rated 80 percent the monthly compensation shall be $1,427; (i) if and while the disability is rated 90 percent the monthly compensation shall be $1,604; (j) if and while the disability is rated as total the monthly compensation shall be $2,673; (k) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of one or more creative organs, or one foot, or one hand, or both buttocks, or blindness of one eye, having only light perception, has suffered complete organic aphonia with constant inability to communicate by speech, or deafness of both ears, having absence of air and bone conduction, or, in the case of a woman veteran, has suffered the anatomical loss of 25 percent or more of tissue from a single breast or both breasts in combination (including loss by mastectomy or partial mastectomy) or has received radiation treatment of breast tissue, the rate of compensation therefor shall be $96 per month for each such loss or loss of use independent of any other compensation provided in subsections (a) through (j) or subsection (s) of this section but in no event to exceed $3,327 per month; and in the event the veteran has suffered one or more of the disabilities heretofore specified in this subsection, in addition to the requirement for any of the rates specified in subsections (l) through (n) of this section, the rate of compensation shall be increased by $96 per month for each such loss or loss of use, but in no event to exceed $4,667 per month; (l) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of both feet, or of one hand and one foot, or is blind in both eyes, with 5/200 visual acuity or less, or is permanently bedridden or with such significant disabilities as to be in need of regular aid and attendance, the monthly compensation shall be $3,327; (m) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of both hands, or of both legs with factors preventing natural knee action with prostheses in place, or of one arm and one leg with factors preventing natural elbow and knee action with prostheses in place, or has suffered blindness in both eyes having only light perception, or has suffered blindness in both eyes, rendering such veteran so significantly disabled as to be in need of regular aid and attendance, the monthly compensation shall be $3,671; (n) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of both arms with factors preventing natural elbow action with prostheses in place, has suffered the anatomical loss of both legs with factors that prevent the use of prosthetic appliances, or has suffered the anatomical loss of one arm and one leg with factors that prevent the use of prosthetic appliances, or has suffered the anatomical loss of both eyes, or has suffered blindness without light perception in both eyes, the monthly compensation shall be $4,176; (o) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered disability under conditions which would entitle such veteran to two or more of the rates provided in one or more subsections (l) through (n) of this section, no condition being considered twice in the determination, or if the veteran has suffered bilateral deafness (and the hearing impairment in either one or both ears is service connected) rated at 60 percent or more disabling and the veteran has also suffered service-connected total blindness with 20/200 visual acuity or less, or if the veteran has suffered service-connected total deafness in one ear or bilateral deafness (and the hearing impairment in either one or both ears is service connected) rated at 40 percent or more disabling and the veteran has also suffered service-connected blindness having only light perception or less, or if the veteran has suffered the anatomical loss of both arms with factors that prevent the use of prosthetic appliances, the monthly compensation shall be $4,667; (p) in the event the veteran’s service-connected disabilities exceed the requirements for any of the rates prescribed in this section, the Secretary may allow the next higher rate or an intermediate rate, but in no event in excess of $4,667. In the event the veteran has suffered service-connected blindness with 5/200 visual acuity or less and (1) has also suffered bilateral deafness (and the hearing impairment in either one or both ears is service connected) rated at no less than 30 percent disabling, the Secretary shall allow the next higher rate, or (2) has also suffered service-connected total deafness in one ear or service-connected anatomical loss or loss of use of one hand or one foot, the Secretary shall allow the next intermediate rate, but in no event in excess of $4,667. In the event the veteran has suffered service-connected blindness, having only light perception or less, and has also suffered bilateral deafness (and the hearing impairment in either one or both ears is service connected) rated at 10 or 20 percent disabling, the Secretary shall allow the next intermediate rate, but in no event in excess of $4,667. In the event the veteran has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use, or a combination of anatomical loss and loss of use, of three extremities, the Secretary shall allow the next higher rate or intermediate rate, but in no event in excess of $4,667. Any intermediate rate under this subsection shall be established at the arithmetic mean, rounded down to the nearest dollar, between the two rates concerned. [(q) Repealed. Pub. L. 90–493, § 4(a), Aug. 19, 1968, 82 Stat. 809.] (r)Subject to section 5503(c) of this title, if any veteran, otherwise entitled to compensation authorized under subsection (o) of this section, at the maximum rate authorized under subsection (p) of this section, or at the intermediate rate authorized between the rates authorized under subsections (n) and (o) of this section and at the rate authorized under subsection (k) of this section, is in need of regular aid and attendance, then, in addition to such compensation— (1) the veteran shall be paid a monthly aid and attendance allowance at the rate of $2,002; or (2) if the veteran, in addition to such need for regular aid and attendance, is in need of a higher level of care, such veteran shall be paid a monthly aid and attendance allowance at the rate of $2,983, in lieu of the allowance authorized in clause (1) of this subsection, if the Secretary finds that the veteran, in the absence of the provision of such care, would require hospitalization, nursing home care, or other residential institutional care.For the purposes of clause (2) of this subsection, need for a higher level of care shall be considered to be need for personal health-care services provided on a daily basis in the veteran’s home by a person who is licensed to provide such services or who provides such services under the regular supervision of a licensed health-care professional. The existence of the need for such care shall be determined by a physician employed by the Department or, in areas where no such physician is available, by a physician carrying out such function under contract or fee arrangement based on an examination by such physician. For the purposes of section 1134 of this title, such allowance shall be considered as additional compensation payable for disability. (s) If the veteran has a service-connected disability rated as total, and (1) has an additional service-connected disability or disabilities independently ratable at 60 percent or more, or, (2) by reason of such veteran’s service-connected disability or disabilities, is permanently housebound, then the monthly compensation shall be $2,993. For the purpose of this subsection, the requirement of “permanently housebound” will be considered to have been met when the veteran is substantially confined to such veteran’s house (ward or clinical areas, if institutionalized) or immediate premises due to a service-connected disability or disabilities which it is reasonably certain will remain throughout such veteran’s lifetime. (t) Subject to section 5503(c) of this title, if any veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, is in need of regular aid and attendance for the residuals of traumatic brain injury, is not eligible for compensation under subsection (r)(2), and in the absence of such regular aid and attendance would require hospitalization, nursing home care, or other residential institutional care, the veteran shall be paid, in addition to any other compensation under this section, a monthly aid and attendance allowance equal to the rate described in subsection (r)(2), which for purposes of section 1134 of this title shall be considered as additional compensation payable for disability. An allowance authorized under this subsection shall be paid in lieu of any allowance authorized by subsection (r)(1).  


    https://www.va.gov/vetdata/docs/SpecialReports/Post_911_Veterans_Profile_2016.pdf https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/38/1114?qt-us_code_temp_noupdates=0#qt-us_code_temp_noupdateshttps://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collection.action?collectionCode=PLAW

    Originally posted 2021-12-30 18:12:55.

  • Elliptical Workouts and Exercise Should be Part of A Healthy Body


    One thing that doctors and health researchers agree about without exception is that daily activity and exercise are important for all people no matter what their ages.

    The list of benefits of this is quite long and goes well beyond massive improvements in quality of life. This type of exercise also leads to a fit and toned body shape as well as added muscle strength. In addition, you’ll enjoy greater bone health and fewer signs of aging in the skin. This means you can save a lot of money on anti-aging products for the skin. Plus, there are many more benefits – we’ll discuss some of them below.

    As far as we know, there aren’t any magic potions that can instantly transform your body and mind, but the closest thing is getting consistent physical activity and exercise. Health experts and researchers will all confirm this, as there are now numerous studies backing this up.

    Increasing your level of activity is almost always beneficial, so it’s recommended to everyone. Your body will start feeling better in many ways when you exercise. If you think you are too old to get started – wrong. It’s been discovered that it’s helpful to start exercising no matter how old you are. Physical activity and exercise are worthwhile for a number of reasons, and below are a number of them.

    • The body has a tendency to guard itself against stress by releasing certain hormones. Your health can be very negatively impacted if you aren’t able to properly manage that stress. Well, exercise is a great way to deal with all that stress and biological effects within your body. When you develop a regular exercise routine in addition to remaining active during your day it will go a long way to keeping stress at bay. This gives your body a much-needed opportunity to relax without the need to handle the stress going on in the background.
    • You can have healthy and strong bones without doing many of the typical exercises people associate with fitness, such as jogging, cycling or speed walking. If you dance on a regular basis, you can also enjoy these benefits. The reason for this is that it’s a type of exercise that’s weight-bearing, like running or jogging. These type of exercises are great for your overall fitness, and especially for the health of your bones. If you’re looking to build your overall strength, as well as increase your bone mass, make sure you do some kind of resistance of strength building exercises. Health experts advise women especially to do this kind of exercise, as decreasing bone mass as they get older leads to various health problems. To make you brain more powerful and more efficient you need to be dedicated to maintaining fitness. In a sense, perhaps you can say it makes you smarter due to more brainpower. Increase your brain performance and have a greater sense of mental clarity. This is all because of the sustained higher levels of blood circulation in your brain.
    • Your brain will work faster due to the increased brain wave activity.
    • Women who exercise regularly are 60% less likely to develop breast cancer. Isn’t that amazing! This concerns two specific hormones that are related to breast cancer. With regular exercise, the production of these specific hormones is reduced lowering the risk for breast cancer at the same time. However, regular exercise can serve to ensure positive results even when production of these hormones is at their highest levels.
    • Regular exercise can help you sleep more soundly, or reduce problems with insomnia. There’s no one simple cause for this beneficial result, but it seems to be an effect that comes from consistently exercising. People sometimes have trouble sleeping due to anxious and stressful feelings, and exercise tends to reduce these. When you exercise frequently, you are more apt to be tired and ready to fall asleep. Pregnant women have reported that a regular exercise program helps them to sleep better, as well. Pregnancy can present a problem when it comes to sleeping, as it can be hard to get comfortable. Men and women of all ages can have a terrific, positive impact on their health, longevity, and overall quality of life by adopting an appropriate exercise routine. For all but the advanced in years, never feel like it is too late for you to do anything. You should take the precaution of getting cleared by your doctor to engage in safe exercise. Once you get started your focus needs to shift toward staying motivated. Seriously, you can just take it easy and slowly build into something impressive. You’ll find that motivation is easier to maintain once the results start rolling in.
    • Now that you’ve discovered (or been reminded of) some important physical activity and exercise benefits, you may want to research on your own and find even more. If you search, you’ll be able to find evidence that shows exercise helps any part of your body you can think of. In addition to the impact on your body, you can get even more far-reaching results, such as your state of mind. When you feel better and are in a better mood, consistently, then people will naturally react toward you in a more positive manner.

    To get started getting in shape I recommend exercising at home either through the best elliptical workouts or using any one of the best treadmills on the market.

    Uncover more about the best elliptical workouts these days by clicking http://bestellipticalmachinereviews.org/elliptical-workouts-routines-losing-fat.

    Originally posted 2021-04-19 05:24:31.

  • The Many Faces and Causes of Depression – Taking a Closer Look?

    Major Depressive Disorders

    What is depression? In discovering ways to this problem, we will look into what causes depression. We will take a more detailed standpoint of this matter with this piece of article.  At the end of the article, kindly leave a comment and let me know if the article has been helpful or not.

    Depression, a silent mental killer, otherwise known as unhappiness, despair, sadness, downheartedness, misery, hopelessness, melancholy, and dejection is something that is worth digging deep into. You need to know the underlying causes. This can efficiently assist you in finding the most effective cure to your trouble. Solution to depression is just not a simple route but understanding the causes of depression helps make the entire approach less difficult. Is hopelessness or depression caused by physical factors like neurotransmitters within the brain or by mental factors such as chronic negative thought patterns?

    The reality is that it really is dependent upon the person being affected by the condition. It is actually negative thinking for a few while some are affected as a result of imbalances in human brain chemicals.  There are other factors like too much exercise as well as vitamin deficiencies. In a nutshell, the causes of depression differ from one person to another. As far as this sad illness is concerned, it is important to know that both mental and physical causes of the problem are connected, but one is more dominant than the other. It is known that negative thinking can cause problems with brain chemistry while problematic brain logic is also encouraging shifts in the brain network.  In this connection, you cannot say that the cause is purely mental or purely physical. Both causes affect one another when it comes to allowing the person to suffer an unhappy state. Therefore, to effectively treat depression, you need to have a therapeutic approach that considers both spheres of causes and try to rewire the network.

    Genetics may predispose an individual to depression slightly but it is hardly a deciding factor. In cases where families suffer from this illness, the main causes are negative thought pattern and behaviors more than the genetic influences. Moreover, genetics are not a major consideration with treatments. Finding the right treatment is very much achievable. First, you have to learn to identify the triggers and/or the situation that brings about the mood swing. Learning about this mood disorder is actually possible but tactical. Negative thinking and negative behaviors can be passed down through families, as mentioned earlier, or an individual can learn negative thinking and behaviors from other people or experiences. When it comes to negative thinking, it is not that the specific circumstance that made the person depressed but the person’s negative beliefs concerning such situation endured and became a major part of his or her life.

    Just remember that what you acquired can also be transformed into something new for the better. When you find a way to change your negative thinking to positive thinking, you will be amazed at the wonders of how depression can be cured. I can write confidently about this illness or mood disorder because I have been there. It’s the worst thing that ever happened in my life. Take control of your life now, find an emdr therapist and start to rewire your brain the right way.

    If you gained from this article, kindly push all the bookmark buttons below 😉

    Originally posted 2021-04-18 17:19:35.

  • How To Deal With Stress And Live A Life of Freedom



    Freedom – How to deal with stress is something we all face through our lives. On occasions, it can be disabling and even cause physical damage to our body. Stress can actually alter how we live our lives, leaving us far short of the dreams we once planned. It can be so discouraging to always feel we are losing in this game called life.

    Stress causes us not to think straight and it causes our heart to lose its zeal for others, for ourselves and for living life as it was originally designed. It can ruin a marriage or destroy a relationship with our kids and it can destroy our career. Stress impacts each area of our lives and it can end up in physical Problems such as severe depression.

    We are frequently told how to manage the stress in our life and given techniques to address stress. We get great advice such as avoid those that cause you stress, keep a diary, exercise, sleep correctly, meditate, bear hypnosis, be optimistic, try a new activity or alter your behavior. Often the only advice left is medicine. Attempting to manage stress and employ the suggested techniques, or taking medication can lead to even more stress. You might find yourself thinking, “I just need peace in my life with a joy and a new passion for living life. Is that too much to ask of life?”

    There is an answer well beyond all of the methods of handling stress in our lives and it has a new eagerness for life. We are promised a peace and a joy beyond our imagination. It is not new but I have discovered few folks really live this way yet, it is ours for the asking.

    I inspire you to take advantage of our complimentary present, “God’s Answer?” It will show you how to live life thru a power which will transform your life. This journey of yours is not about your talents or abilities or anything you can do to switch your life. It is about allowing the power of God to radically change you.

    However, based on the American Psychoanalytic Association, this act of “armchair psychoanalysis” may do more damage than good for Britney Warrior spears or virtually anybody that’s exposed towards the same treatment. Stress Disorders – The main characteristic of panic attacks is the appearance of stress attacks coupled with anxiety about developing them again. In many cases, setting problems like panic attacks or bipolar disorder to someone apart from the counselor or mental health specialist whom you have never met personally is less than professional and harmful.

    Despite the comprehensive coverage by the press, still it can’t detail exactly what continues inside a person’s existence, and even when it might, still it could not reveal just what happening inside a person’s mind. Stress Disorders – This problem is dependent on negative responses to distressing occasions inside a patient’s existence. The ASA is worried not just using the impact such accusations may have on Spears’ mental health (that they have rejected to take a position on), but additionally around the public thought of psychology and psychiatry in general.

    Based on them, an effective diagnosis emerges from the 3 consultation services and conferences using the patient, and never basically the findings of “absurd” behavior the tabloids were making. Panic attacks because of physical causes. Included in this are general health conditions or developed due to drug abuse. People struggling with panic disorders are necessarily conscious of their problem. They have to use self-help techniques and to curb these problems. Periods of psychiatric therapy might be enough to deal with mild panic disorders.

    Many health care professionals, however, encourage using medicines combined with psychiatric therapy to deal with patients with severe cases of panic disorders. Due to many medicines and strategy to panic disorders, doctors might not have the ability to predict which combination is advantageous for any certain individual. You will find cases that doctors may consider using a different medication or treatment during a period of 6 to 8 days to be able to assess their effectiveness.

    Additionally, they explain that trying to identify any mental illness once the patient may have a drug abuse issue is highly improbable throughout the very best of conditions, not to mention under media-controlled scrutiny.

    Originally posted 2021-04-18 05:14:00.

  • Stress And How It Affects Your Body

    Stress free life

    Stress is often just a part of life but, learning to manage it makes it fade away. As it is with anything in life, by getting a full understanding of it and knowing the proper ways to limit it, you will not allow it to control your life. Reducing the effects of stress will make you a happier, healthier person.

        Try your best to manage your life’s stress. Stress can be the source of many health problems, including hypertension, insomnia, depression, or strokes. You are making sure that you have an adequate amount of sleep each night can reduce your stress levels and decrease the chances of you getting sick.

    Stay up to date with your repairs to remove stress. Imagine that three items need repairing, a task that is going to involve triple the time, money, and energy to accomplish, and a task that is bound to increase your stress levels. It is also a situation to avoid if you kept up with repairs.

    Do not regularly talk about “stress.” If you keep thinking about something, you will only make the sensations even worse. By thinking or saying the word, you could be causing yourself to feel even more stress, so benefit yourself by finding another word to refer to stress.

    Reduce stress by smelling your favorite aromas. The scents of essential oils like chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme, and peppermint can have a powerful calming effect. Place a little rock salt and a few drops of your favorite oil in a small bottle. Smell the contents of the vile whenever you are feeling stressed.

    Know the source of your stress. It is vital you recognize the areas in your life that inflict the highest levels of stress. A person, situation, or even an object can be the cause of your stress. After you have identified where your pressure is coming from, you can then avoid it, or take steps to deal with it.

    Don’t rely on alcohol when you are dealing with stress. While having a couple of beers among friends is fun; drinking beer every single day to calm your nerves is bad. This act of drinking beer to reduce stress can increase your stress, the severity of your symptoms, as well as lead to alcohol dependency.

    One of the best hobbies for dealing with stress is getting down and dirty with gardening. If you live in a house, you shouldn’t have any problems building a garden in your yard.

    A life without stress may seem impossible, but it is not that far out of your reach. Think about times that you have felt anxiety and figure out what caused it. Once you begin to identify your stress triggers, you will be able to find ways to avoid them.

    Tell people whom you’re close to that your stress has nothing to do with them. Your spouse and your children might get the mistaken impression that they did something wrong to upset you. Your stress is your problem, so you shouldn’t make those around you feel as if it is their fault because they are the ones that love you the most.

    One of the best ways to reduce stress is to immerse yourself in a video game. When playing a game, focus on the strategy so that you can clear your thoughts. You can play alone or with someone else to better your mood.

    Push your wall as if it were a football sleigh to release some stress. The exertion and the stretch in your hamstrings are very effective in relieving stress.


    In conclusion, the best way to decrease the amount of stress in your life is to educate yourself on the subject. You are more able to manage your stress when you have figured out a few helpful techniques.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy.

    We are on Social Media Facebook – Facebook.com/EMDR Twitter – Twitter.com/EMDR


    Stress – Wikipedia.org

    How to Deal With Stress- WikiHow

    PTSD: National Center for PTSD – EMDR for Military

    EMDR Therapy: What You Need to Know – Healthline.com


    Linwit Us

    Originally posted 2021-04-17 17:11:07.

  • Anxiety Disorder and Changed Lives

    EMDR and DepressionAnxiety disorder and changed lives – Take a look at the tabloid scene today and, chances are, you’ll see nothing but second-guesses and armchair diagnoses of Britney Spears’ mental health problems.

    Everything from anxiety disorder to depression, from bipolar disorder to schizophrenia have been blamed for her recent (and not so recent) behavior. Just a few months prior, the tabloids were doing the exact same thing to Tom Cruise, especially after that infamous moment where he jumped up and down Oprah’s couch like a hyperactive, spoiled brat on a sugar high.

    However, according to the American Psychoanalytic Association, this act of “armchair psychoanalysis” may do more harm than good for Britney Spears, or pretty much anyone that is subjected to the same treatment.

    Panic Disorders – The primary symptom of panic disorder is the occurrence of panic attacks combined with fear of developing them again.

    In a number of cases, assigning problems like anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder to someone other than the therapist or psychiatrist whom one has never met personally is unprofessional and dangerous.

    Even with the comprehensive coverage by news media, it still can’t detail everything that goes on in a person’s life, and even if it could, it still couldn’t reveal what exactly was going on in a person’s head.

    Stress Disorders – This condition is centered on negative reactions to traumatic events in a patient’s life.

    The ASA is concerned not only with the impact such accusations might have on Spears’ mental health (which they have declined to speculate upon) but also on the public perception of psychology and psychiatry as a whole. According to them, a proper diagnosis emerges from several consultations and meetings with the patient, and not merely the observations of “ridiculous” behavior that the tabloids were making.

    Anxiety disorder due to physical causes. These include general medical conditions or developed because of substance abuse.

    People suffering from anxiety disorders need to be made aware of their problem. They need to use self-help methods also to curb these issues.

    Sessions of psychotherapy may be enough to treat mild anxiety disorders. Many health professionals, however, encourage the use of medications coupled with psychotherapy to treat patients with severe cases of anxiety disorders. Because of many medications and treatment for anxiety disorders, doctors may not be able to predict which combination is beneficial for a certain individual. There are cases that doctors may try a different medication or treatment over a period of six to eight weeks in order to assess their effectiveness.

    They also point out that attempting to diagnose any mental illness when the patient might have a substance abuse problem is highly improbable during the best of circumstances, let alone under media-controlled scrutiny.

    Find more information about easy relaxation techniques and how to have self-confidence.

    Originally posted 2021-04-17 05:07:32.

  • Savvy Advice When Attempting To Reduce Stress

    Stress can be such a dirty word. Is stress taking over your life? You can take steps to reduce your stress and make life more bearable. You can enjoy a more relaxed, peaceful lifestyle by trying out some of the tips you’ll find below. Prepare to bid farewell to stress.

    Keep stress to a minimum in your life. You can cause yourself serious problems like heart disease, insomnia, muscle aches and depression if you are stressed. Getting enough sleep helps you reduce your stress and can help you to stay healthy.

    When you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a minute to close your eyes and visualize something calm. When you are stressed, take a minute and envision yourself relaxing in a soothing bath. Try breathing deep and slow with your eyes closed, and imagine your happy place. Is it the beach?

    You need to make certain your jaw is relaxed, and stop grinding your teeth. Your jaw is one place where stress is frequently expressed. If you feel the stress starting to build, consciously clench your jaw as you breathe in, and then relax the muscles as you breathe out. This is an exercise to help ease stress and discomfort.

    Sometimes it helps to get your thoughts out in the open when you’re trying to relieve stress, so write them down. Sometimes people feel stressed about a situation that they can’t reveal to others. In these cases, writing about the situation can be very therapeutic. If you keep your stress journal, you can look at the entries later and see how you solved stressful situations in the past.

    You should discover your main causes of stress, and find out methods of eliminating or reducing them as much as you can. For example, if you’ve got a comrade that creates stressful situations for you, you may want to stay far away from that person. Cutting out the stress factors in your life can improve your physical and emotional health.

    Identifying what the source of your stress is, can help you to tackle and fix the problem. If you find that you can remove a stressful thing from your life, try it. You will feel less stressed almost immediately!

    If you can choose and listen to your own music at work, this can help you a lot. Be sure to choose from a selection of music that is comforting to you. Whenever you play an up tempo song, make sure it is positive in nature.

    Change the ways you deal with stress. If you handle stress in unhealthy ways, find more productive ways to deal with pressure. As an example, if overeating is your typical reaction to stressful situations, try taking a walk instead. When you replace a bad habit with a good one and stay healthy, you will see that the stress in your every day life is significantly lowered.

    More often than not, engaging in a heartfelt conversation with a trusted friend or family member can go a long way in alleviating stress. You will probably feel better if you talk about what’s bothering you or spiking your anxiety. Spend time with the supportive people around you, and allow them to help you manage your stress.

    Some stress is unavoidable, but there is some stress you can stay away from. Try our helpful tips and see how your life can go from stressed to calm, peaceful and more laid back.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy to boost your personal development.

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    Originally posted 2021-04-16 16:50:51.

  • Don’t Let Stress Get You Down; Try These Tips

    Image by Myriam Zilles from Pixabay

    Different things may stress people out in different ways. Many people can be unsure as to the most effective way to handle stress. This article will go over different ways to deal with stress and to create a stress-free environment.

    Try to pre-plan for the day ahead the night before. This plan will be one less thing to worry about and will reduce the stress you feel when getting up in the morning. If you have your outfit picked out or your lunch made, you’ll find that you’ll have less to worry about and, therefore, less stress.

    Avoid grinding your teeth by forcing your jaw to relax. Your jaw is one place where stress is frequently expressed. When you are stressed, touch your jaw, clench, breathe slowly in and then release. This is a neat tip that will immediately help you feel less stressed.

    Get together with a bunch of friends and go and have some fun exercise outside in the fresh air. This will let you sweat out all the toxins that are in your body, which is an important thing to do. Engaging in jogging or running can help reduce your stress levels.

    Daily life produces different emotions such as fear or anxiety. Try to choose narrowly descriptive labels for what you are experiencing rather than labeling all uncomfortable feelings as stress. Using words such as uncomfortable or restless can help you understand that what you are describing as stress may be produced by a variety of different situations in life.

    There are many situations where you can convince yourself of something by repeating it to yourself over and over again. Use other words to describe what you’re feeling; you’ll get the focus off the word, and you might be able to more clearly see what is bothering you if you don’t use the word.

    Use scents to relieve stress. Certain oils, such as those with rose, thyme, basil, lavender, and chamomile scents can relax you. All you have to do is put some rock salt and a few oil drops into a vial. Whenever you feel the need, take a deep breath of the scent.

    Professional Massage

    A professional massage is a great way to take some of the stress away. Tense muscles are a sign of stress being carried on the body. Scheduling a professional massage can work your muscles back into a comfortable shape.

    Identifying the causes of your stress can definitely help to relieve it. If you discover that it is something avoidable or removable from your life, try doing just that. You will feel less stressed almost immediately!

    Don’t start relying on alcohol if you have had a rough day. While light social drinking is okay, using beer as an answer to tension on a daily basis is a bad idea. This can cause more stress and even addiction.

    Let people know that your stressful reactions have nothing to do with them. Your friends and family, especially your spouse and children, can otherwise get the feeling that they’ve done something bad. Make them aware of your stressful circumstances without giving them guilt over it, and work together as a constructive force.

    A nice, relaxing cup of tea is an excellent tension tamer. Some teas, such as kava, chamomile, and passionflower, are quite effective at relieving stress. Leaving it to steep in hot water for ten minutes will produce a strong tea. Have a cup when you feel the effects of stress.

    There is a multitude of things that can stress a person out. Using the information provided, you will have a better idea about how to handle the stressful situations in your life in an effective manner. It will help you live a more stress-reduced life.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy to boost your personal development.

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    Originally posted 2021-04-16 04:26:04.