
  • EMDR and Spirituality

    Emdr and Spirituality seem to be connected one way or the other.  I took time to study the link between the two as I document every stage of my finding.  The documentation was in reference to one of my friend that was undergoing the psychotherapy treatment to treat his post traumatic stress disease and an individual that volunteered to be treated spiritually by a high priest.  Both treatment commenced the same month.  To be sure I was going to get the best result, I made sure my friend never met the other individual who volunteered to be treated spirituality by the said high priest.  Everyday;I recorded their feedback and to my surprise, the description from both of them were similar.


    We all know that most people who have experienced some sort of traumatic torture in their life end up acting like a psycho if their problems are not addressed quickly.  One thing I learned with time is the fact that people tend to make their love ones feel the pain they felt by making them miserable.  It might not be true in all cases; this is simply my observation.


    Emdr and Spirituality Experiment

    We all know that most people who have experienced some sort of traumatic torture in their life end up acting like a psycho if their problems are not addressed quickly.  One thing I learned with time is the fact that people tend to make their love ones feel the pain they felt by making them miserable.  It might not be true in all cases; this is simply my observation.

    The fact that the individual who volunteered, and my friend never met each other before but yet they shared similar results made me believe that the interpretation of EMDR is directly proportional to spirituality from a celestial 3D world.  EMDR is to reduce or eliminate past traumatic effects on an individual; stuck or resident in some part of the memory according to Francine Shapiro, a practise of psychotherapy.

    Spirituality have different definitions as well as the therapy behind the eye movement desensitization, one reflect divinity as a religion, while the other makes good use of reprocessing technics, which in turn is psychotherapy.  Many tribes from different country have been using this process to heal their loved ones who have gone through severe trauma, long before Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. discovered the theory behind the eye movement reprocessing process.  Those tribes uses spirituality as mysticism, which is their believe in voodoo cult, and communicate with the spirits of the shrine.

    Combining emdr study with spirituality is a whole different ball game because although emdr has to do more about physiotherapy which in turn is an enhanced and buffered systemic hypnotism while spiritualism on the other hand has to do more about psychology.   The definition of this divine topic is clearly distinguishable from the unique perspective of the individuals and the tribe – (some of the tribes to define the word as reciting incantations to invoke the spirits), location, language, and many other criteria, the definition makes sense .

    The definition of mysticism or deep and can not be removed or adequately dealt with this page, if you wanted.  A few populace think it’s’ the art of making and applying the body to fast and pray, but a group of elite think it is a combination of everything above and beyond.  No matter how you read a meaning to the emdr and spirituality definition, the consistency of the existence of the co-ordination of man to determine the definition of human behavior and secular, which in today’s world, so we are connected.  The act of spiritualism allows us to be interconnected.  All things are connected in one way or another, the web, people (living or dead), the land within the earth and its fullness; and so on.

    Emdr and spiritualism compared to emdr is the mechanism that drives our ego to reset our memory or abstain from doing things from the past.  We are indirectly controlled by this actions, and combined with a heavenly power that no one can be moved, the force is familiar with the power to prepare.  My experiment actually made me understand so many things about who we are and how so little things can make big differences in our lives.

    Originally posted 2021-04-14 03:49:00.

  • Emdr Therapy Side Effects

    Emdr Side Effects

    Mental Health and Emdr Side Effects

    EMDR side effects: EMDR may cause a temporary increase in distress and unresolved memories. Some clients may experience reactions during a treatment session that neither they nor the administering clinician may have anticipated, including a high level of emotion or physical sensations. After the treatment session, the processing of incidents/material may continue, and other dreams, memories, feelings, etc., may emerge.

    EMDR side effects – emdr therapy has become an innovative option for treating or reducing conditions associated with anxiety, depression, and in some cases, abuse or breach of trust suffered by some individuals.  As with any treatment in life, there is always side effects or risk associated with the form of treatment.  It might not be much, but it will exist in one way or the other. These emdr side effect risks are more pronounced to those who practice self EMDR therapy and could make the mental disorder much more severe.  

    One of the most common side effects of EMDR is the onset or increase in fear and distress. As I can understand, the process is designed to face your fear from the past and overcome it.  Destroy it from that part of your memory.

    This form of therapy is designed to minimize and resolve other emotions, thereby making the patients distressed.  Never perform the EMDR therapy by yourself as you tend to lose focus on the technique, and, as a result, you may lose focus or concentration on the task at hand, which could worsen your mental situation.

    Emdr Side Effects: EMDR Institute Inc

    According to EMDR Institute Inc,  as with any form of psychotherapy, it may lead to a temporary increase in distress. So far, according to EMDR Institute, it has been noted that patients that underwent the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing treatment have distressing and unresolved memories that may emerge occasionally.

    Some unexpected results may occur during or after emdr therapy according to the Nih website, that was not part of the plan, and reactions like a high level of sensitivity, emotions, or physical sensations. After the treatment session, the processing of incidents/material may continue, and other dreams, memories, feelings, etc., may emerge.

    According to this emdr side effects mentioned above, I would suggest that any potential patient adequately disclose previous trauma that could aid or assist the EMDR therapist in making a proper care plan.

    I try to update this page as soon as I hear or read anything of value about the side effects of emdr therapy/ treatment, so make sure you bookmark this page for easy future access.  


    1. Jaberghaderi N, Greenwald R, Rubin A, Zand SO, Dolatabadi S. A comparison of CBT and EMDR for sexually-abused Iranian girls. Clin Psychol Psychother. 2004 Sep-Oct;11(5):358–68. DOI: [Google Scholar]
    2. Lee C, Gavriel H, Drummond P, Richards J, Greenwald R. Treatment of PTSD: stress inoculation training with prolonged exposure compared to EMDR. J Clin Psychol. 2002 Sep;58(9):1071–89. DOI: [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
    3. Nijdam MJ, Gersons BP, Reitsma JB, de Jongh A, Olff M. Brief eclectic psychotherapy v eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy in the treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder: randomised controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry. 2012 Mar;200(3):224–31. DOI: [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
    4. Power K, McGoldrick T, Brown K, et al. A controlled comparison of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing versus exposure plus cognitive restructuring versus waiting list in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. J Clin Psychol Psychother. 2002 Sep-Oct;9(5):299–318. DOI: [Google Scholar]
    5. Karatzias A, Power K, McGoldrick T, et al. Predicting treatment outcome on three measures for post-traumatic stress disorder. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2007 Feb;257(1):40–6. DOI: [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
    6. Taylor S, Thordarson DS, Maxfield L, Fedoroff IC, Lovell K, Ogrodniczuk J. Comparative efficacy, speed, and adverse effects of three PTSD treatments: exposure therapy, EMDR, and relaxation training. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2003 Apr;71(2):330–8. DOI: [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
    7. Marcus SV, Marquis P, Sakai C. Controlled study of treatment of PTSD using EMDR in an HMO setting. Psychother. 1997;34(3):307–15. DOI: [Google Scholar]
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    9. Rothbaum BO. A controlled study of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disordered sexual assault victims. Bull Menninger Clin. 1997 Summer;61(3):317–34. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
    10. Wilson SA, Becker LA, Tinker RH. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment for psychologically traumatized individuals. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1995 Dec;63(6):928–37. DOI: [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
    11. Wilson SA, Becker LA, Tinker RH. Fifteen-month follow-up of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and psychological trauma. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1997 Dec;65(6):1047–56. DOI: [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

    Originally posted 2021-04-13 15:39:04.

  • Personal Development Explained And Tips For Improving It

    Personal development is a way that you can improve who you are and can be beneficial to your life. This article provides helpful tips to get you focused on your personal development, while improving your life and how you live it.

    Stress is what often brings down happiness. When we are stressed out, it harms us mentally and physically. All of us need to have clear, relaxed thinking to enable us to plan and execute our life’s purpose, and this only happens when we let go of stressful thoughts. Set a relaxation time every single day to be alone and clear your mind. Taking a little bit of time for yourself will help you stay calm, and keep your goals in mind.

    Personal Development
    Personal Development Theory


    Pinpoint exactly what is blocking your progress. Some people have a very hard time with this. However, identifying what our weaknesses are is one of the first things you have do in order to address and change it. Once you have removed the obstacles to your success, you can enjoy smooth sailing to your goals.

    There are things you can do throughout the day to accomplish more work while at your job. Take an ample amount of breaks when you are working hard. Although this seems counterproductive, taking regular breaks is good because it gives you the chance to recharge your mind, so when you resume work, you’ll be able to get more done.

    Be prepared to write down ideas as they come to you, no matter where that may happen. Paper is an old fashioned way to record notes, but it never runs out of battery power. Just write down what their idea or thought is and then develop it more when you have the time and are feeling creative.

    If you want to enhance your approach to personal development, learn to be humble. You need to know that in the grand scheme of things, your problems are very insignificant. As soon as you have this idea lodged in your brain, you are going to want to understand and be able to learn different things, which leads to improving yourself.

    Let your individual beliefs shape your course for achieving enhanced self improvement. If you go against your values, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Seek out areas of your life that you can develop that you can spend your energy on without going against what you hold important in life. By spending your time in these specific areas, you can make the changes in the areas that matter and have these changes stick with you.

    Exercise is for everyone, not just people who are trying to lose a few pounds. There are many different reasons to exercise. When you exercise, your body produces a number of chemicals, such as endorphin, which improve your overall mood.

    Write something to pep yourself up. List all your great attributes on an index card. When things get rough, take the card out, and read over what you have written for inspiration. You can even record yourself reading it aloud and listen to it often. Why should you do this?

    Try to always make every day better than the one before. Aim for frequent and continuous improvement. Push yourself to do something better today than you did the day before.

    Ask other people about their accomplishments instead of bragging about your own. This is a wonderful means of learning more about your peers and their abilities; you also might discover a new role model.

    You can’t tend to others needs until your own needs are met. To ensure you can have the energy to care for others, take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest.

    Whereas trying to fix your problems yourself is always a great idea, sometimes you might have to seek out professional help. An in-the-flesh therapist can provide much more insight than a clinical self-help book can. Sometimes, simply talking through your problems can help you conquer them. Reading a book won’t let you have a dialog the way therapists do.

    Excessive alcohol use can lead to liver, kidney and circulatory disorders. Do you use tobacco products or any other harmful things? The human body is sacred and it is important that you treat yours right. You can improve your life by replacing bad habits with good ones. Evaluate your lifestyle and habits honestly to see what you can start working on today.

    If you are anxious around large groups or new people, work toward overcoming this by simply going with someone you trust to the movie theater. You will be thrust into a busy setting and out of your comfort zone, but you will not have to excessively socialize with others. This will give you the chance to get acquainted with the idea of being around more people.

    Your body’s level of health is reflected in your mental health. It is imperative to eat a well-balanced diet, and to get some form of exercise every day. Remember, a healthy mind and a healthy body go hand in hand.

    Challenges should always be undertaken. There are always new growth opportunities with new challenges. You may be able to gain a new understanding of the world and develop new talents. You could end up creating something new or doing something no one else has done. Try to find your own path, rather than just following in other people’s footsteps.

    This article offers information on how you can better you personality, mental outlook and character to live a happier life. By implementing the tips provided here you will be able to begin your journey of personal development, and make your life one of happiness and fulfillment.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in our past tends to hold us back in our everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to boost your personal development by forgetting your traumatic past.

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    Originally posted 2021-04-13 03:23:54.

  • On The Road To Mental Health: How To Beat Depression

    How To Beat Depression –  There are three different kinds of depression.

    Types of Depression

    There is significant depression which is a common type of depression. There is dysthymia – This is a common type of depression that you may not know. There is postpartum depression that occurs after having a baby in the form of sadness. Also there is seasonal affective disorder (SAD), extreme winter weariness, atypical depression – A misunderstood type of standards, psychotic depression – losing touch with reality, bipolar disorder – from high to low (and back to high again), premenstrual dysphoric disorder – when depression strikes women once a month, situational depression – when life gets you down.

    darksouls1 / Pixabay


    • Bipolar I and II disorders Bipolar I and bipolar II disorders include mood swings that range from highs (hypomania or mania) to lows (major depression). It’s hard to differentiate between bipolar disorder and depression because most people don’t see their doctor when they have high or elated moods; they only seek medical treatment for the low, depressive feelings.
    • Cyclothymic disorder Cyclothymic disorder involves slightly milder highs and lows than those of bipolar I or bipolar II disorders.
    • Persistent depressive disorder Often referred to as dysthymia; the persistent depressive disorder is a long-term but less-severe type of depression. This milder depressive disorder can be chronic and keep you from living your life as an average person.
    • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder This type of depression is triggered by hormonal changes about seven days before, and three days after the onset of your period. After your period, the depressive feelings go away.
    • Other depression disorders Other types of depression are caused by using recreational drugs, some prescribed medications, or another medical condition.

    Credit –

    You must work to overcome your depression, no matter your depression type. Here is some advice that you’re going to be able to use to get through these times.

    Do not allow depression to keep you from your regular work and social activities. You may not feel up to doing many things when you are feeling depressed, but it is essential to maintain your friendships. Nevertheless, don’t stop doing them. You want to make sure that you keep your normal activities. Falling out of your regular life routines can make you feel even more depressed.

    To help you manage your depression symptoms, you should aim to meditate regularly. The study of many positive effects of medication shows the most essential being mood elevation and the lowering of blood pressure.

    Don’t be afraid to seek help from every avenue that might offer it. Finding others who understand what you are going through can help, just through general conversation or sharing solutions to the problems posed by depression.

    If you struggle with depression, try leaving that past behind and jump into the future instead. The future provides a source of hope for the depressed and can help you live your life better.

    Having some fresh cut flowers displayed in your home will help you cheer up a little. The smells and colors are pleasant to species like humans. You should try to use this to your advantage by having fresh flowers.

    Take any prescriptions precisely as your doctor instructed you. Avoid over or undertaking the medications and stick to your doctor’s directions. Avoid stopping the medicines without first consulting your doctor to avoid dangerous reactions. You will find that some drugs need to be weaned off of – if you stop them right away it can negatively affect you.

    Add more hobbies Your your daily regimen. Getting interested in an activity that’s new can help you not to think about problems while keeping you entertained. Birdhouse making, wood carving, and sewing are all hobbies that can help to ease your depression.

    When you feel depressed, do not alienate your friends because this act is the worst thing that you can do when you are sad; you need to surround yourself with loved ones. Doing this minimizes the time you have available to feel lonely and depressed.

    Think about joining an online forum to help with depression. Since you can be anonymous, you may have an easier time explaining yourself. Many people make lovely friends while discussing your depression with others.

    Take the time understand the diagnosis of depression. Depression comes in two forms, physical and psychological. Experiencing periods of stress can cause your brain to decrease the amount of serotonin it produces. The reduced amount of serotonin that your brain produces can lead to increased feelings of depression. Prescription anti-depressants are useful for combating the amount of serotonin that your brain produces because these drugs will stimulate your brain into producing more serotonin.

    You can naturally increase serotonin levels rather than depending on anti-depressant drugs to restore them to functioning standards that your brain need. Stimulants like caffeine or alcohol should be strictly avoided, and a healthy lifestyle should be encouraged.

    Always try to remain positive in any situation so that you can reduce negativity and eliminate depression from your life. Keeping a positive frame of mind in challenging conditions can make it easier for you to come up with workable solutions.

    You should always be eating at least three meals each day, especially if you’re depressed. When you’re depressed, you often lose your appetite; however, not eating enough causes you to become more depressed because your motivation and energy levels will decrease. Your body is not able to function at its full potential if you aren’t eating well. Your body will get its necessary energy if you eat regular meals. So eat regularly.

    Maintain positivity at all times. To maintain positivity is not always simple to do, because the mind may already be trained to focus on the negative. Try jotting down the thoughts you have so you can put down what makes you feel bad into words. Sometimes it helps to vent your feelings because it can be cathartic to express them.

    There are a variety of treatments for the type of depressions that exist, but the key is treatment. Treat your depression adequately to prevent your condition from lingering.

    Conclusion About how to cure Depression

    I hope I have been able to share some useful information with you. Try to use the information given here and say goodbye to depression.

    Originally posted 2021-04-12 15:17:40.

  • EMDR

    EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

    EMDR – You might want to ask yourself, what exactly is this emdr? it is a form of psychotherapy that was developed to resolve symptoms resulting from disturbing and unresolved life experiences. It uses a structured approach to address past, present, and future aspects of disturbing memories. The approach was developed by Francine Shapiro to resolve the development of trauma-related disorders as resulting from exposure to a traumatic or distressing event, such as rape or military combat.

    EMDR Process

    When a person recalls a distressing memory, the person can re-experience what they saw, heard, smelt, tasted or felt, which can be intense. By alternating left-right stimulation of the brain with eye movements, patients can stimulate the “frozen” information processing system. During the process, the distressing memories seem to lose their intensity so that the memories are less distressing and seem more like ‘ordinary’ memories.


    Trauma-related disorders could be as a result of a traumatic or distressing event, such as rape or military combat.  I’ll be discussing the military combat which is what really interests me. Are our veterans really being treated fairly when it comes to trauma, PTSD and the side effects of war? Does this so-called emdr really work? Although I have heard of cases where clinics use the emdr for other purposes, other than what has mentioned above, since it is not official, I will not mention it here.

    EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy process and procedures, according to Francine Shapiro involves eight phases to have a complete and effective emdr treatment.   This phases or seasons are taking patient history, discussing the overall treatment plan, identify the patient safe place, to serve as a reset mode when or during unbearable reminders of the past traumatic events, identifying the negative cognition, the installation phase, identifying pain or discomfort, debriefing, and re-evaluation.

    As long as traumatic memories go unprocessed, they may be triggered by experiences or interactions in your current life, shifting and coloring your perceptions. Some people need more than conversations and replacement thoughts to resolve what is happening in their minds and bodies. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR psychotherapy, provides a proven therapeutic alternative


    Anoox     EMDR

    Originally posted 2021-04-12 03:13:35.

  • Best Depression Treatment

    Best Depression Treatment – Anxiety therapy and medication seems to have always worked when it comes to treating depression related to PTSD

    Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad, but these feelings are usually fleeting and pass within a couple of days. When a person has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her. Depression is a common but serious illness, and most who experience it need treatment to get better. The good news is that depression, even the most severe cases, is a highly treatable disorder.

    You may be wondering if you have symptoms of Depression. One way of determining that is to take a brief confidential and anonymous screen. Only you will see the results of the brief screen. None of the results are stored or sent anywhere. You can choose to print a copy of the results for your own records or to give to your physician or a mental health professional.

    VA Programs & Services

    A number of depression treatments are available. Medication and psychological counseling (psychotherapy) are very effective for most people. There are also many types of professionals who treat depression. A good place to start is with your primary care physician. In some cases, a primary care physician can prescribe medication to relieve depression symptoms. However, if treatment by your physician does not help you, the next step is to see a mental health professional.

    In addition to medications, psychotherapy can be very effective in the treatment of depression. In fact, evidence-based psychotherapies are among the most effective treatments for depression. The following evidence-based psychotherapies have been found to be effective in treating depression. One or more of them can be found at your local VA Medical Center.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-D)

    CBT is a structured, time-limited psychotherapy that helps individuals develop more balanced and helpful thoughts about themselves, others, and the future. CBT also helps individuals spend more time engaging in pleasurable or productive activities. CBT helps individuals to achieve personal goals and solve problems by learning and practicing new skills.

    I am interested in learning more about CBT-D

    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT-D)

    ACT is a psychotherapy based on the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which help individuals overcome their struggle with emotional pain and worry by encouraging them to take active steps to move forward. ACT helps individuals recognize, commit to, and achieve what matters most to them in life.

    I am a interested in learning more about ACT-D

    Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)

    Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) is a treatment for depression that focuses on the relationships that may be the cause or the result of depression. IPT helps individuals to understand the connection between their depression and current relationship problems. It also helps individuals build social skills to deal better with problems. This helps to improve how someone feels as well and the quality of their life.

    I am interested in learning more about IPT  The anxiety therapy is not new.


    PTSD and Best Depression Treatment

    Anxiety Therapy – Best Depression and PTSD Treatment

    Best Depression Treatment

    Articles & Fact Sheets

    • What is Major Depression?: A VA Fact Sheet providing information on: basic facts, symptoms, treatments, and information for families (2011).
    • Depression After Brain Injury: A guide for patients and their caregivers from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
    • Depression: A detailed booklet with information on symptoms, causes, treatments, getting help and coping (2007).
    • Depression (Easy to Read): An easy-to-read booklet that explains what depression is, how long it lasts and how to get help (2007).
    • Older Adults and Depression: A brief statistical fact sheet on depression and suicide in older adults, with information on treatments and suicide prevention (2003).
    • Late Life Depression: According to the VA’s National Registry for Depression, 11% of Veterans aged 65 years and older have a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, a rate more than twice that found in the general population of adults aged 65 and older.
    • Seasonal Affective Disorder: Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as “winter depression,” is not pure seasonal depression, but seasonal worsening of pre-existing depression. It is defined as “recurring depression with seasonal onset and remission,” mostly affecting people who already have depression.



    • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – Depression: A grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. Provides information on symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and more.
    • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) – Depression: A national organization whose mission is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery and cure. Provides information on signs, symptoms, treatment, clinical trials and more.
    • Mental Health America (MHA) – Depression: A nonprofit dedicated to helping all people live mentally healthier lives. Provides a number of factsheets on depression such as: Depression: What You Need to Know and Signs of Depression Checklist.
    • Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) – Depression: A national organization focusing on the most prevalent mental illnesses. Provides information on symptoms and types of depression, as well as a few brochures such as: Myths and Facts about Depression and Bipolar Disorder.

    If you have thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, please call the Veterans Crisis line 1-800-273-8255, press 1 or visit their website at

    Originally posted 2021-04-11 14:56:51.

  • Drug And Alcohol Rehab

    What Kind of Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers Are There?

    By Milfred Kennelly | Submitted On November 09, 2010

    Drug And Alcohol Rehab – What do you think of when you hear the word “drug and alcohol rehab centers”? You may think all drug and alcohol rehab centers are alike, but the truth is that they’re not. There are different types, and they serve different types of needs. Some provide posh accommodations complete with generously stocked refrigerators, luxury bedrooms and over-friendly staff to make your whole stay vacation-like. Then, there are those that resemble hospitals.

    In the past, most drug and rehab centers were only a few steps away from resembling jails. They looked like a prison and they felt like the prison, except that you could always leave at any time. Of course, if you did, you might never be let in again. However, you won’t necessarily be suffering when you are in rehab, although you will find yourself working harder than ever before.

    • Drug And Alcohol Rehab
    • What Kind of Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers Are There?
    • Tips on How to Go About the Drug and Alcohol Rehab Process

    There are drug and alcohol rehab centers that are solely for alcoholics, and then there are those that take in only the users of a certain drug. There are also treatment centers that take in only repeat visitors, women, men, teenagers, the elderly, or people who don’t just suffer drug and alcohol addiction, but also psychological problems.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab CentersAdditionally, there are rehab centers for people of a certain religion and centers for those who do not want religion to play any part of their rehabilitation. Many treatment centers are anchored on the “twelve-step” program. For the “twelve-step” program to be effective, you would have to believe in a “higher power”. If this doesn’t cut it for you, try a treatment center that offers an alternative system to get the same message across.

    One specific example of religion-specific drug and alcohol rehab centers are Christian-based rehabs. Naturally, these programs have a lot of religious elements involved, which is why as I have stressed before, they are not for everyone. If you do not believe in the core principles of the religion involved, then the specially designed treatment course will not be effective on you.

    For the most part, drug and alcohol rehab centers are classified according to the principles behind the treatment. For example, there are centers that follow a client-centered approach. There are also centers that follow the many different paradigms for psychoanalytic treatment. Then, there are the hybrids. These are the drug and alcohol rehab centers that combine at least two different schools of thought where rehabilitation is concerned.

    When you are getting treatment, you can choose to either be an inpatient or an outpatient. Experts recommend residential programs because these are far more intensive and usually more effective. In any case, given how varied treatment approaches are, it’s important to do a little research on the drug and alcohol rehab centers that are on your shortlist. Go ahead and do this. Get in touch with the centers that you are considering, and talk to them about what methods they use for treatment and if it fits in with your belief system. Once you know what to expect, you will see that no matter what substance you are addicted to, there are people who can help.

    Milfred Kennelly is a writer and researcher on drug and alcohol rehab centers. Learn how you can fight addiction and help yourself or a loved one start the necessary journey to recovery using the Recovery Ways system:

    Article Source:

    Tips on How to Go About the Drug and Alcohol Rehab Process

    By Nelson Kana | Submitted On March 25, 2010

    After the great achievement of starting the substance free life comes one other very delicate part of the journey to complete drug and alcohol rehab. Let’s agree on the fact that there is a great difference between taking the decision to do away with addicting substances and to effectively keeping them away from you. In all the cases there is always a starting point without which we would never talk about drug and alcohol rehab.

    Keeping a drug and alcohol-free life consists of all the initiatives that one undertakes to avoid falling back into dependence. In the past when the substance abuse was still a very rare phenomenon, all the main efforts put in place so far to try to fight it was to prove its harmful effects. Today it has been established that more efforts have to be put in the second part of drug and alcohol rehab process which is to live the substance free life.

    In order to be sure of where we are going it is important to know what exactly we want. Most of the people who go through drug and alcohol rehab seem to miss the point because once they stop consuming substances, their enemy becomes their body reactions to this break. Since the body reactions will only cease after a given period of time after the last intake, it turns out to be like fighting the wrong enemy without success. This usually causes most people who engage in drug and alcohol rehab to give up after a short period of time.

    Drug_and_Alcohol_Rehab_CentersIn the process of drug and alcohol rehab, these body reactions are termed drug withdrawal. Depending on the particular substance it is important to know the expected symptoms of the withdrawal. Though most of them can be dealt with by simple perseverance some can be treated with medication. The chemical treatment, in this case, will just serve like the pain killers does when we have a headache that is not really solving the problem at the source. Therefore we are left with developing the new habit of living without drugs.

    Let’s put all together with our goal in drug and alcohol rehab.

    Overcoming the withdrawal symptoms
    Developing the drug-free life style
    The question left should be how do we develop this life style? Let’s examine the different things that influence our life style. As we live each day we gather information from all our five senses that are we gather images, sounds, scents, tastes and feelings from our skin. In the same way that a set information caused one to be addicted, we have to put together another set information to will produce the reverse effect. To make it plain with an example, if a person decides to stop tobacco consumption and then goes to places where he sees people smoking and even catches the scent of cigarette, this person is very likely to fall back into dependence because the more you get information about something the more you are urged to do that thing. A better situation would be if the person were surrounded by all sort of information that suggests a complete drug-free life then these would ease the persons passage to detoxification.

    Drug and alcohol rehab requires that an addict should stay away from all sort of images, sounds, tastes, feelings, and scents that suggest drug and alcohol addiction as much as possible. This is somehow why some people reported about their failures in their complete detoxification. It takes much support from family and friends to be able to complete the process. However, it worth taking that step because it is better to be able to choose what pleases you and chose when you want to get pleasure from it than to be controlled by drugs. It should be noted however that there is no guarantee that following these rules will secure your drug and alcohol rehab process. For generations now it has been known that if there be any thing man cannot do then God can do it for you. The only thing man can do is to suggest treatment but God is the only one who heals.

    Nelson Kana is currently a Youth Worker in a local Youth Ministry in Cameroon and has been carrying out researches on drug and alcohol rehab []

    Article Source:


    Originally posted 2021-04-11 02:33:12.

  • Prevent Panic Attacks With These Tips And Tricks

    Would you like to learn some great tricks about how to cope with panic attacks? Panic attacks can happen to anyone at anytime. This article is filled with information and tips on getting rid of your stress and managing your panic attacks.

    If you tend to have panic attacks, make sure you are getting enough sleep every night. Not getting enough sleep can not only increase the frequency of attacks, it can also keep you from clearing your head and calming down if you have one. Try for eight restful hours of sleep every night.

    Deal with your panic attacks by seeing a great therapist. Look online to find reviews of therapists, or ask a trustworthy friend or family member.

    If you feel an onset of panic or severe anxiety looming ahead, you must force yourself to determine whether the situation poses an actual threat to your health and well-being. Is anyone actually trying to hurt you? Probably, the answer is no. Just relax and let go of the fear.

    Panic Attack

    The minute you know a panic attack is coming, distract yourself — even if it’s something as simple as counting and recounting your fingers to yourself or reading license plate numbers. Think about your favorite song or do a puzzle. Anything that will distract you from the panic will be helpful. It is possible to avoid a full-on panic attack this way.

    TIP!Listen to music as soon as you feel the feeling of panic so that you divert your attention to the lyrics or beat. Sit still without any outside distractions and listen to calming songs that have a nice soft tone while focusing on the words that are sung.

    The best course of action during a panic attack is to sit down right where you are and breathe. Breathe in deeply through your nose, allowing your stomach to rise. Count to five while you inhale, and then exhale through your mouth as your count to five again. Continue these deep breathing exercises for ten reps to stave off a panic attack.

    If possible, invite them over in person. Doing so will help you improve your mood very fast.

    Focus on exhaling when you are having a panic attack. Most people take short, quick breaths when they are panicking, and doing so is fine. The important thing is to try to hold in each breath and then slowly exhale.

    Use your the adrenaline from your panic attacks to motivate you to clean your house and eliminate clutter. If you stay inactive, your excess energy will only cause you to feel more stressed. Besides, by channeling your extra energy, you should be able to clean your house more efficiently than ever.

    Write down your knowledge of dealing with panic attacks to share with others. You can start an online blog, create a newsletter, or write an e-book. Others who suffer from panic disorders may be able to give you some useful information.

    Be aware of what you are feeling and experiencing at any given time in order to anticipate the onset of a panic attack and avert it if possible. Knowing what types of situations elicit anxiety can help you find methods for dealing with them. Look over them often, so that you can get a feel as to what your triggers and try to steer clear of them.

    Never consider yourself a failure because of your panic attacks. There is no method that can make your condition worse, so try new methods until you find the one that helps you.

    If you have a family member who suffers from panic attacks, you should familiarize yourself with the physical symptoms he or she is going to experience, so you can recognize an attack and remain calm, should the person ever have one in your presence. A sufferer could experience feelings of faintness, numb sensations, shortness of breath, trembling, heart palpitations, hot or cold flashes, sweating, dizziness, and nausea. Look out for symptoms of heart attacks or any other serious health problems before you start treatment for a panic attack.

    A great way to stop your anxiety and panic attacks is to try meditation and deep breathing exercises. Take in ten deep breaths, counting each one on the inhale and then on the exhale. Depp breathing oxygenates your brain for improved function and takes your attention away from any negative thoughts.

    If you are really suffering from severe panic attacks, cognitive behavioral therapy might be your answer. Many people have benefited from this type of therapy when it is conducted by licensed professionals, and it could be helpful to you as well. You can find practitioners in your area by doing an online search. Make sure you look for one who is an experienced and accredited specialist and who specializes in treating anxiety disorders and panic disorder.

    As you can see, there are many ways you can fight back against panic disorders. None of us are able to make them stop completely, and all of us have a good chance of having one. These tips can help you control the situation when a panic attack happens.

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    Originally posted 2021-04-10 14:32:08.

  • Tips For Knocking The Stress Out Of Your Life


    With today’s fast-paced world, many people wind up feeling stressed and stretched thin. Even finding good ways to handle stress can take time and be stressful. Fortunately, this article offers a variety of simple tips and strategies for managing your stress levels.

    Use scents to relieve stress. Several different scents including basil, anise, and lavender have calming effects. Using a small vial, mix rock salt and add a few drops of whatever oil you have chosen. Take the lid off the vial and inhale deeply whenever your stress level begins to rise.

    A professional massage is a great way to take some of the stress away. A byproduct of stress can be wound, tense muscles that do not loosen with conventional methods. A massage will work out the tenseness, as well as leaving you rested and reinvigorated.

    Write about the stress you are experiencing. There may be situations in your life that are causing stress to increase, but you can’t discuss them with anyone. However, by writing them down you are effectively getting them off your chest, and that may help to lower your stress levels. You can read this journal later and assess how you handled the things that cause you stress. It can help you find ways to tackle things in the future.

    You should discover your main causes of stress, and find out methods of eliminating or reducing them as much as you can. A good example of this is creating some distance between you and a friend that constantly stresses you out. If you eliminate some places where stress is happening in your life it will help your health.

    Drink some herbal tea to help relieve your stress symptoms. There are a number of teas which help reduce stress, including chamomile and kava kava. Leaving it to steep in hot water for ten minutes will produce a strong tea. A cup of tea is especially effective at the beginning or end of a stressful day.

    One of the best ways to reduce stress is to live a healthy lifestyle. Nutritional support, exercise and ample rest will help your body ward off stress and work at peak capacity. Additionally, by taking better care of yourself you will start to increase your self-esteem, making it easier for you to relax during previously stressful situations.

    Breathing deeply is a great way to calm you and reduce stress. During periods of stress, our breathing can become fast and shallow. Breathing slowly deeply reduces stress and curbs tension. Try to incorporate breathing exercises into your daily stress relief routine.

    Learn how to say no when you are overwhelmed by stress and your own responsibilities. Although it may be difficult to resist lending a hand, putting too much weight on your shoulders can easily lead to excess stress.

    Use visual escapism to control feelings of stress. Many studies have shown that utilizing calming visual imagery can significantly reduce stress levels. Even if you do not have access to pictures, just imagining a sunny beach where you can lay back and listen to the gentle sounds of waves crashing ashore while you soak up the sunshine or the invigorating and soothing feel of a steamy bath can make a huge difference is successfully envisioning stress leaving your body. Closing your eyes and imagining something peaceful for a moment will help you become less stressed.

    One way to cope with stress is to use self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis has been helpful for many people as a way to relax and work through stressful issues, like troublesome coworkers or persistent noise.

    Limbic System

    One simple, yet very effective, way to beat stress is to smile more often. When you smile, the muscles used stimulate the limbic system, also known as the emotional center of the brain. Simply smiling will work to tilt the limbic system into a calmer state, and that is an excellent way to lower stress.

    Not only is stress a hassle, but it can also have negative effects on your health. When faced with too much stress, your body cannot continue to function properly and effectively. If you use your time to take the advice you have learned in this location, you will have more time to relax and get rid of the burdens the world has placed onto you.

    Sometimes, the incident that occurred in your past tends to hold you back in your everyday life. Talk to your therapist about using EMDR Therapy as an alternative to your regular therapy to boost your personal development.

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    Originally posted 2021-04-10 02:08:07.

  • Food for thought – Wise words

    Food for thought  –  Wise words

    PTSD and all different kinds of mental/trauma healing not only comes from therapy, medications EMDR and much more.  It takes more than just the therapy to get your life back, and that is “YOU”.

    You need to take part in your own treatment and recovery.

    1.    Take time to work – It is the price of success
    2.    Take time to think – It is the source of power.
    3.    Take time to play – It is the secret of youth
    4.    Take time to read – It is the foundation of knowledge
    5.    Take time to Worship – It is the highway of reverence and washes the dust of earth from our eyes.
    6.    Take time to help and enjoy friends – It is the source of happiness.
    7.    Take time to love – It is the one sacrament of living
    8.    Take time to Dream – It hitches the soul to the stars.
    9.    Take time Laugh – It is the singing that helps with life’s loads.
    10.  Take time for Beauty – It is everywhere in nature.
    11.  Take time for health – It is true wealth and treasure of life
    12.  Take time to plan – It is the secret of being able to have time to take time for the first eleven things.

    “When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.”
    Jess C. Scott, The Intern

    “I demolish my bridges behind me…then there is no choice but to move forward”
    Fridtjof Nansen

    “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you haven’t.”
    Thomas A. Edison

    “But just because you bury something, that doesn’t mean it stops existing.”
    Jenny Han, We’ll Always Have Summer

    “Make your lives a masterpiece, you only get one canvas.”
    E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

    It is always wise to look ahead,
    but difficult to look further than you can see.
    – Winston Churchill

    Word of Advice
    Listen to music every time, don’t be an enemy of yourself! Exercise yourself, it brings out the best in you.  Always remember to plan, cause people don’t plan to fail, but they fail to Plan.  Always plan to succeed! Speculation, anticipation, and fear of the unknown only bring you “$0.00” ROI.



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    Engr. Prince Onaolapo Adeyemi
    CEO Crewlane Technologies

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    Originally posted 2021-04-09 13:54:50.