Bipolar Disorder – Many people who find themselves suffering from severe mood swings, sudden shifts in activity level, extreme feelings of ecstasy and equally extreme feelings of depression are wondering whether or not such conditions are normal or are manifestations of the most serious ailment called bipolar disorder.
Indeed, bipolar disorder behavior can be quite ambiguous. They can be telling of something that is ingrained in our humanity, or they can be symptoms of an abnormal behavior screaming for treatment. So how can you tell if what you’re enduring is a bipolar disorder or not?
Bipolar Disorder Simple Test: Is There A Reason?
Usual mood swings, depressions, happiness or tiredness are experienced because they are caused by some factor or another. You may get depressed because someone hurt your feelings, for example. You may feel happy because someone told you something nice. You may lose all your energy because of the efforts you have exerted for a particular task. Regardless of what causes your mood swing, the integral factor is: there is a cause for the same.
Bipolar disorder behavior, on the other hand, is experienced by the patient for no reason whatsoever. It just happens. The subject may be feeling giddy happy one moment, and inconsolably depressed the next. He may feel hyperactive in the morning and completely fatigued by midday. He may be extremely happy during the start of the conversation, and all of a sudden, he’d turn raving mad. And all of these are experienced without reason for their sudden eruption.
So if you’re in the middle of an emotional upheaval that you know will result in misery-filled feelings, as yourself this question: is there a reason for what you’re going through?
If there is a reason for the feelings you’re enduring, then you can stop worrying. It’s normal. It’s the human condition. We feel because we’re alive, after all. We feel pain when we’re poked. We feel joy when someone does for us a good deed. We feel angry when provoked. It’s a natural cycle.
If there are no reasons for the feelings you’re going through, then chances are, you’re experiencing bipolar disorder behavior. It’s something pathological, and it’s something that will require treatment. You don’t have to do it alone. Many people are willing to help you out. But first, it’s up to you to acknowledge the existence of the problem. You must be the one to take that first step towards a solution.
Ibogaine – Most of the people associate with the abuse of harmful drugs and liquor with rock and roll (and by extension, to stars and other celebrities).
As the chosen lifestyle of these people definitely causes them to be prone to substance abuse, ordinary people can also make the exact same mistakes.
Up against problems and with the lack of a reliable support system, most people rely on drugs or alcohol to get a temporary false perception of comfort. It might be your office mate, neighbor or a much loved one(s).
When you know an individual who is coping with drug abuse problem, it is always good to discover that there’s an effective treatment solution to assist them to restore their foothold in their lives: ibogaine. There is nothing worse than seeing a family member succumb to drug and alcohol abuse besides seeing them get better and afterwards relapse on their old habit. It happens all the time, especially with soldiers. Ibogaine is derived from the Iboga plant which is native to Africa. The residents used the plant simply because of its healing qualities and also for spiritual rituals.
Under western culture, the plant’s derivatives have been used to come up with drugs for dieting and for a solution for people struggling with chronic depression. Today, this drug is referred to as among the most efficient methods to treat people obsessed with heroin, Oxycontin, cocaine, methamphetamine and much more.
How exactly does it work? The medicine functions upon the dopamine receptors inside the brain. These receptors are responsible for the feeling of craving among addicts. Dopamine receptors also are liable for the negative impacts of withdrawal which many drug users who try to wean off their addiction experience. Since these receptors are already blocked, the patient’s body can get rid of the drugs outside of his or her system with no related withdrawal effects.
It’s also beneficial to notice that patients that have used this drug report of having lucid dreams. This is particularly helpful throughout the counseling sessions of the patients, as they try and determine primary issues which must be remedied to reach the primary cause of the addiction problem.
Ibogaine Benefit
The greatest thing about this medicine is that when it is used to remedy folks who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse, as opposed to traditional treatment methods, the rate of success is stated to be from 60% to 80%. You will find some caveats, though. First, because this medicine is classified as being a schedule 1 drug, you’ll need to go overseas to acquire this treatment. Second, people who have specific heart or liver conditions are advised against undergoing this type of treatment method. The same goes for people who are excessively thin or people who are overweight. Other than that, there were no reported noteworthy undesirable side effects.
The writer is simply a health enthusiast and not a medical practitioner, nor a qualified adviser agent. The use of this information is strictly at your own risk.
Understanding how to rewire your brain can help you bounce back from a traumatic experience. During combat or other violent situations, your brain changes its rhythms, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder.
The good news is that you can rewire your brain to help you fight PTSD and cope better with it. Many therapists can help you rewire your brain and your mind with techniques that can be used to treat PTSD. Luckily, you don’t really need to go to a professional to achieve this aim.
According to the National Library of Medicine, MRI images and findings of a person suffering from PTSD show the brain’s prefrontal cortex and amygdala are disrupted. When the right frontal cortex (the watchtower) is activated, and the left frontal cortex (the fire alarm) becomes dim, then rewiring is needed to prevent the traumatic brain event from repeating itself in the future.
Rewire Through Assisted Therapy This process involves the use of medication and a combination of a process called EMDR. EMDR – Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, which uses guided eye movements to teach the brain how to deal with traumatic memories, can help you overcome these symptoms. Read more about EMDR here.
Exposure Therapy Using exposure therapy, psychologists can help people change their thinking patterns and rewire their brains to fight PTSD. This approach relies on the experimental paradigm of extinction learning.
Rewire Your Brain Through Neurofeedback The treatment for PTSD isn’t a simple fix. While some medications will only temporarily relieve your symptoms, neurofeedback can help you heal from PTSD. During a neurofeedback session, you’ll be able to control your emotions.
Rewire Through Assisted Therapy This process involves the use of medication and a combination of a process called EMDR. EMDR – Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, which uses guided eye movements to teach the brain how to deal with traumatic memories, can help you overcome these symptoms. Read more about EMDR here.
Exposure Therapy Using exposure therapy, psychologists can help people change their thinking patterns and rewire their brains to fight PTSD. This approach relies on the experimental paradigm of extinction learning.
Rewire Your Brain Through Neurofeedback The treatment for PTSD isn’t a simple fix. While some medications will only temporarily relieve your symptoms, neurofeedback can help you heal from PTSD. During a neurofeedback session, you’ll be able to control your emotions.
Dr. Caroline Leaf’s Book “Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health,” offers strategies to rewire the brain and eliminate anxiety, trauma, shame, and bad habits.
“MRI findings have implicated that brain regions associated with PTSD pathophysiology include the medial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, insula, lentiform nucleus, amygdala, hippocampus and parahippocampus, anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, cuneus, fusiform and lingual gyri, and the white matter tracts connecting these brain regions” (
When the amygdala is overactive, the window of tolerance for new information is reduced. People with PTSD have difficulty focusing, learning new information, and managing logical thought. Using trauma-informed treatments can help you rewire your brain.
The first step is to be self-aware of your triggers and understand why you may react to them in certain ways. This can be challenging, but it is necessary to remember that the amygdala is responsible for processing emotions and memories.
How to Rewire Your Brain by Using Dr. Caroline’s Method
The first solution to rewiring your brain is by reading a book by Dr. Caroline. “Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health.” The book offers strategies to rewire the brain and eliminate anxiety, trauma, shame, and bad habits. The book focuses on the power of thoughts and how they affect the brain’s structure and function. Dr. Leaf explains that by changing our thinking patterns, we can change our brain structure, leading to positive changes in our behavior and emotions.
Dr. Caroline introduces a 5-step process called the “Switch on Your Brain 5-Step Learning Process,” which involves gathering information about the situation, focusing on the positive and constructive thoughts and emotions that you want to have, understanding the biological and spiritual aspects of the brain and the mind-body connection, using your memory to create repetition and practice to strengthen new neural pathways, and finally the application phase which includes incorporating the new thinking patterns into your daily life to form new habits.
Gathering: Becoming Aware of Our Negative Thought Patterns and Emotions
In this step, the goal is to become aware of our negative thought patterns and emotions. Dr. Leaf emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our thoughts and emotions because they have a direct impact on our brain structure and function.
Negative thoughts and emotions, such as anxiety, trauma, shame, and bad habits, can create toxic patterns in the brain that can lead to negative behaviors and emotions. By becoming aware of these negative patterns, we can begin to change them.
Dr. Leaf suggests that we start by observing our thoughts and emotions throughout the day. We can write them down or simply take mental notes of them. It’s important not to judge or suppress these thoughts and emotions but to simply observe them and acknowledge their presence.
By gathering information about our negative thought patterns and emotions, we can begin to identify triggers and patterns. This information can then be used in the subsequent steps of the learning process to help us rewire our brains and create positive changes in our behavior and emotions.
The gathering step is an essential first step in the process of rewiring the brain. It requires self-awareness and a willingness to observe and acknowledge our negative thought patterns and emotions without judgment.
Focusing: Directing Our Attention to the Positive and Constructive Thoughts and Emotions We Want to Have
In this step, the goal is to direct our attention to the positive and constructive thoughts and emotions we want to have. Dr. Leaf emphasizes that where we focus our attention has a direct impact on our brain structure and function. If we focus on negative thoughts and emotions, we reinforce negative neural pathways in the brain. However, if we focus on positive thoughts and emotions, we can create new and positive neural pathways.
Dr. Leaf suggests that we start by identifying the thoughts and emotions we want to cultivate. For example, instead of focusing on anxiety or shame, we might focus on feelings of calm or self-acceptance. We can then practice directing our attention to these positive thoughts and emotions throughout the day.
One technique Dr. Leaf recommends for focusing is called “the 21-day detox,” where you will intentionally focus on positive thoughts and emotions for 21 days straight. By doing this, you can begin to create new neural pathways in the brain, reinforcing positive thoughts and emotions and weakening negative ones.
Dr. Leaf also suggests using affirmations and visualization to help focus on positive thoughts and emotions. We can create affirmations that reinforce positive beliefs about ourselves and visualize positive outcomes to reinforce positive emotions.
The focusing step is all about intentionally directing our attention to positive thoughts and emotions to create new neural pathways in the brain. With practice and repetition, this can lead to positive changes in our behavior and emotions.
Understanding: Learning About the Biological and Spiritual Aspects of the Brain and the Mind-Body Connection
In this step, the goal is to learn about the biological and spiritual aspects of the brain and the mind-body connection. Dr. Leaf emphasizes the importance of understanding how our thoughts and emotions affect our brain structure and function.
Dr. Leaf explains that our brain is constantly changing and adapting based on our experiences and thoughts. Our thoughts and emotions create neural pathways in the brain, which can either be positive or negative. By understanding how our thoughts and emotions affect our brains, we can begin to take control of our mental and emotional well-being.
Dr. Leaf also emphasizes the importance of the mind-body connection. She explains that our thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on our physical health. Negative thoughts and emotions can lead to physical symptoms, such as headaches or stomachaches. On the other hand, positive thoughts and emotions can improve our physical health and well-being.
One way to gain a better understanding of the brain and the mind-body connection is to read books or attend seminars on the topic. Dr. Leaf’s book, “Switch On Your Brain,” is a great resource for learning about the brain and the mind-body connection.
Another way to gain a better understanding is to practice mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness involves being present at the moment and observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more aware of how our thoughts and emotions affect our physical and mental well-being.
Overall, the understanding step is about gaining knowledge about the brain and the mind-body connection. By understanding how our thoughts and emotions affect our brain and physical health, we can begin to take control of our mental and emotional well-being.
Memory: Using Repetition and Practice to Strengthen New Neural Pathways
In this step, the goal is to use repetition and practice to strengthen new neural pathways. Dr. Leaf emphasizes the importance of repetition in creating new neural pathways in the brain. With practice and repetition, we can reinforce positive thoughts and emotions and weaken negative ones.
One technique Dr. Leaf recommends for memory is called “write, reflect, and apply.” This involves writing down positive thoughts and emotions and reflecting on them to reinforce them in our memory. We can then apply these positive thoughts and emotions in our daily lives, practicing them regularly to strengthen the associated neural pathways.
Another technique Dr. Leaf recommends is visualization. By visualizing positive outcomes and emotions, we can reinforce the associated neural pathways in the brain. This technique can be particularly effective when combined with repetition and practice.
Dr. Leaf also emphasizes the importance of rest and sleep in strengthening new neural pathways. During sleep, the brain consolidates new information and strengthens neural pathways.
Overall, the memory step is about using repetition and practice to strengthen new neural pathways in the brain. By repeating positive thoughts and emotions and visualizing positive outcomes, we can create new and positive neural pathways that reinforce positive behaviors and emotions. Read about the memory step here.
Application: Incorporating the Newly Found Thinking Patterns Into Our Daily Lives to Form New Habits
The goal of this step is to incorporate the new thinking patterns that you created from the earlier step into your daily lives to form new habits. Dr. Leaf emphasizes the importance of applying the knowledge and techniques we have learned in the previous steps to our daily lives. By doing so, we can create new habits that reinforce positive thoughts and emotions.
Dr. Leaf suggests starting with small, achievable goals and gradually building on them. For example, if your goal is to cultivate feelings of calm and relaxation, you might start by taking a few deep breaths throughout the day or practicing mindfulness for a few minutes each day. As we become more comfortable with these practices, we can gradually increase the time and frequency of the practices.
Another technique Dr. Leaf recommends for application is to surround yourself with positive influences. This might include spending time with supportive friends and family, reading uplifting books, or listening to positive music. By surrounding yourselves with positive influences, we can reinforce positive thoughts and emotions and create a supportive environment for your new habits.
Dr. Leaf also emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and patience in the application process. Creating new habits takes time and effort, and it’s important to be kind and patient with yourselves as you work toward your goals.
The application step is about incorporating the newly found thinking patterns from your previous step into your daily lives to form new habits. By starting small and building gradually, surrounding yourselves with positive influences, and practicing self-compassion and patience, we can create lasting positive changes in your behavior and emotions.
Dr. Leaf also discusses the importance of meditation, prayer, and gratitude in rewiring the brain and promoting mental and emotional well-being.
This process involves the use of medication and a combination of a process called EMDR. EMDR – Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, which uses guided eye movements to teach the brain how to deal with traumatic memories, can help you overcome these symptoms. Read more about EMDR here.
When you experience a traumatic event, your brain’s responses will likely be triggered by adrenalin. This will cause your brain to disconnect from your reasoning part, which will not allow you to rationalize. This means you won’t be able to rewire your brain, but you can use these techniques to help your brain cope. If you can learn to stop reliving your experiences, you can heal from PTSD.
Exposure Therapy
Using exposure therapy, psychologists can help people change their thinking patterns and rewire their brains to fight PTSD. This approach relies on the experimental paradigm of extinction learning. By training the brain to forget a memory, a person can move on with their life. During a stressful relapse, this technique can cause panic or a relapse. However, the process is a long one that can take time and requires persistence.
Rewire Your Brain Through Neurofeedback
The treatment for PTSD isn’t a simple fix. While some medications will only temporarily relieve your symptoms, neurofeedback can help you heal from PTSD. During a neurofeedback session, you’ll be able to control your emotions. Moreover, the therapy will help you remember your experiences, which is key in preventing relapses. The process of rewiring your brain will make your PTSD symptom-free and less severe.
The treatment for PTSD isn’t a simple fix. While some medications will only temporarily relieve your symptoms, neurofeedback can help you heal from PTSD. During a neurofeedback session, you’ll be able to control your emotions. Moreover, the therapy will help you remember your experiences, which is key in preventing relapses. The process of rewiring your brain will make your PTSD symptom-free and less severe.
One of the most important parts of the brain, the hippocampus, is affected by PTSD. This region regulates memory and the ability to differentiate between past and present experiences. The damage to the hippocampus causes sufferers to be confused, easily distracted, and unable to differentiate between past and present experiences. The result is that these individuals are often unable to distinguish between their past and present experiences.
While neurofeedback can help you rewire your brain to rewire your PTSD symptoms, it can be difficult to remember the details. When the fear of danger strikes, the hippocampus kicks in and helps to regulate emotions. As the trauma passes, the amygdala resumes its normal functions, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex completes the circuit. This is an important part of the treatment process and can help you rewire your brain to fight PTSD.
In conclusion, you can rewire your brain by using Dr. Caroline’s 5-step process, assisted therapy, exposure therapy, and neurofeedback.
American Psychiatric Association, DSM-5 Task Force. Posttraumatic stress disorder. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 5th ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013. p 271-280.
Koenen KC, Ratanatharathorn A, Ng L, et al. Posttraumatic stress disorder in the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med 2017;47:2260-2274.
Shalev A, Liberzon I, Marmar C. Post-traumatic stress disorder. N Engl J Med 2017;376:2459-2469.
Benjet C, Bromet E, Karam EG, et al. The epidemiology of traumatic event exposure worldwide: Results from the World Mental Health Survey Consortium. Psychol Med 2016;46:327-343.
Berger W, Coutinho ES, Figueira I, et al. Rescuers at risk: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis of the worldwide current prevalence and correlates of PTSD in rescue workers. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2012;47:1001-1011.
If you have been suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD as it is commonly referred to in the legal world, then your Veterans Benefits attorney may be able to help you receive compensation for your physical and mental condition. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can have an enormous impact on a veterans physical and mental health, and often leads to a need for compensation.
If you feel you fit into this category, then you should contact a qualified and experienced VA Compensation for Ptsd lawyer to discuss your case. While there are many options available to a person with PTSD, there are strict rules governing how much compensation can be claimed.
Posttraumatic stress can happen after someone goes through a traumatic event such as combat, an assault, or a disaster. Most people have some stress reactions following trauma. But if the reactions don’t go away over time or they disrupt your life, you may have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Find out if you can get disability compensation or benefits if you have symptoms of PTSD.
Am I eligible for disability benefits from VA?
You may be eligible for disability benefits if you have symptoms related to a traumatic event (the “stressor”) or your experience with the stressor is related to the PTSD symptoms, and you meet all of the requirements listed below.
All of these must be true:
The stressor happened during your service, and
You can’t function as well as you once could because of your symptoms, and
A doctor has diagnosed you with PTSD
What does VA consider to be a traumatic event?
We consider any of these to be a traumatic event:
You suffered a serious injury, personal or sexual trauma, or sexual violation, or
You were threatened with injury, sexual assault, or death
Who’s covered?
What kind of disability benefits can I get?
Health care
Compensation (payments)
Treatment for PTSD
How do I get these benefits?
You’ll need to file a claim for disability compensation.
When you file a disability claim, you’ll also need to fill out one of these additional forms:
A Statement in Support of Claim for Service Connection for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (VA Form 21-0781). Download VA Form 21-0781 (PDF) or
A Statement in Support of Claim for Service Connection for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Secondary to Personal Assault (VA Form 21-0781a). Download VA Form 21-0781a (PDF)
Note: In our screening process, we’ll focus on getting a full understanding of your PTSD to help determine your eligibility for disability benefits. We won’t offer you treatment during this process.
If you’re looking for treatment options, please talk with your health care provider or learn more about accessing VA services for PTSD. Find out how to access VA services for PTSD
If you’re in crisis and need to talk with someone right now, you can connect with a Veterans Crisis Line responder any time, day or night. Find out how to get support now
Get more information
We’ve made great progress in treating PTSD and have brought more mental health providers to VA medical centers to help give the best care to Veterans with PTSD. Learn about our PTSD programs
Anxiety Attack – In order to understand the true meaning of the phrase ‘anxiety attack,’ it is essential to understand the difference between ‘anxiety’ and an ‘anxiety attack.’ Anxiety is a normal emotional state of mind that is caused by a reaction to a stressful situation or a distressing physical condition.
This normal condition takes the form of an aberration when the person continues to experience stress even when the stressful situation or condition is long past or if the person experiences severe anxiety or stress in the absence of any obvious stress causing conditions. it is often difficult to distinguish between a heart attack and an anxiety attack, as the indicators for both are almost similar.
An anxiety attack is generally characterized by many or all of the following symptoms; acute escalating tension, pain in the chest, nausea, lightheadedness, dizziness, sweating and loss of one’s view of one’s ‘self’. the individual is said to be experiencing an anxiety attack when he/she begins experiencing many of these symptoms that become severe as the time passes and generally reach a peak within ten minutes.
Types of Anxiety Attack
Anxiety attacks can be divided into several distinct categories, each with its own characteristics and a few symptoms that are common to all categories. the National Institute of mental health divides Anxiety disorder into six main categories; panic disorder, a sudden anxiety attack that may be caused due to no apparent reason; generalized anxiety disorder that affects the individual on a daily basis i.e. he/she suffers from chronic tension; obsessive-compulsive disorder, a condition in which the individual suffers from an urgent need to engage in certain rituals and activities without any need for the individual to engage in them; social phobia, a condition in which the individual feels overly anxious in everyday social situations; specific phobias, the attacks that are caused by a fear, usually irrational, of something and post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition that follows a traumatic event where the individual has persistent thoughts of the event and feels emotionally traumatized.
Medical researchers have found a number of reasons that are considered the possible causes for attacks. Genetics, drug abuse, environment and personality characteristics are considered the main culprits that induce attacks. however, there may be much more triggers of anxiety attacks that have yet to be found by the medical researchers.
Not everyone believes this but the emotional and mental aspects of a person, when combined and used properly, with the help of a mental professional can lead to better self-improvement. Emotions play a huge factor to determine our actions and reactions, even though we do not want it to happen sometimes.
People often see emotions as a sign of weakness, so people are used to putting them aside and focusing on the rational aspects more and more.
No matter how strict and logical you may be, you still have emotions. Positive emotions should be a target for everyone, as well as a lifelong goal. Many of us are concerned about self-improvement.
More importantly, the amount of money you made during your life or the times you laughed out of sheer joy? Why do you tend to put your positive emotions behind their negative feelings? This is one of the biggest problems that people come across during their lives, self-accusations. You cannot ignore a negative experience and try to replace it with a positive one. Life just does not work that way.
When you were a child, if your goldfish dies, you would be heartbroken. Your parents will probably buy you another goldfish but the sorrow is still there in your memory. Things get even more complex when you grow into adulthood. A fight with your spouse the night before will affect your entire day. You will go to work angry, tired, and your mind will wander. When you are on your way home from work you will not notice the sun shining and you would not be tempted to stop at a roadside stand to pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables. Everything will not be right. All this because that one negative thought has contaminated the way you perceive the reality around you.
In this moment you will realize finding a safe place to relax your mind will do wonders for your emotional and mental improvement. That place is relatively easy to find. It can be an actual place or an imaginary location. The best idea is to totally lose you in it. Let us say you have a problem on your mind and it just would not go away. Go bowling. Do not know how? Just give it a shot. Get caught up in the game. Your mind will drift away from the negative thoughts that dominated your last hours or days and start processing a whole new kind of information. A safe haven can take many forms. It can be a song, a movie, even a person or animal. The main thing is to allow yourself to get completely involved with this new activity.
You might still get flashes of the problem every now and then. You should iIgnore it and get even more absorbed in what you are doing. When the bowling game, the song, or the movie ends you will abruptly return to reality. You will probably want to retreat back to the safe place. Do not do it. The safe place exists only as a helping hand, not as a solution to your life’s problems, may it be small or big. It serves only as an escape route. You will return from your safe zone with an increased energy level.
This is how a small escape from a harsh reality can increase your emotional and mental health. Try to do this often and you are on your way to better self-improvement.
Diagnosing mental health – Commonly referred to as an individual’s emotional or psychological well-being, mental health is a term that has no one official definition according to the World Health Organization. Most experts believe that mental health is measured by an individual’s ability to remain capable and competent, handling normal levels of stress, maintaining happy and healthy relationships and his/her ability to lead an independent life.
Another sign of mental health is being able to quickly recover from difficult situations, which may include both physical and emotional. Say “yes” to the salad. The salad is a healthy eater’s best friend. Not only will it fill you up so you’ll consume fewer calories overall, but it will also give you a hefty dose of antioxidants which are heart healthy. Be sure to ask your waitress to hold the croutons and cheese which will further reduce your caloric load. Also, choose your dressing wisely. Avoid cream based dressings and go for the vinegar based ones. You also have the option of using vinegar and olive oil which is heart healthy.
If an individual believes that he/she is suffering from a mental health illness, a psychiatrist should be consulted for a professional evaluation. In some cases, a regular discussion with a professional may be enough for individuals to overcome their issues and return to a positive mental health status. For others, medication may be required or even hospitalization in extreme cases. With the proper treatment, many individuals who suffer from some type of mental health illness can often live a happy and healthy lifestyle. The first part of overcoming any type of illness is to recognize the problem early, whether that recognition comes directly from the sufferer or from those closest to him/her.
Sports Nutrition: Sports nutrition is big business, but that doesn’t mean that you need to spend big bucks for protein powders, health shakes, muscle formulas, and nutrition bars. Again, you can get a wide variety of high quality, brand name products at the same place where you buy your discount vitamins.
Of course, prices aren’t everything. When you select your online source of discount vitamins, be sure that it also offers expert advice, perhaps in the form of a free weekly newsletter. Look for writing that reflects the knowledge base of the site’s owners. Insightful advice gleaned by trial and error is more valuable than the stale reiterations found on many health websites.
How to Maintain your Mental Health
In recent years people have realized the importance of proper diet and exercise, and recent surveys show that over the last 20 years people are eating better and working out more often, resulting in people living longer, but people are still lacking in their understanding that their mental well-being is just as important as their physical health.
Today most people get on average 4 to 6 hours of exercise every day, and make sure that everything they put in their mouths is not filled with sugars or preservatives, but they pay no attention to their mental health, no vacations, not even the occasional long weekend, 60 hour weeks, taking work home with them and even working weekends. All of this for hopes of one day getting that big promotion. What good will it do you when your brain overloads and you have a breakdown in the office.
In the end, your physical health will suffer no matter how well you eat and how often you exercise. You will wind up with high blood pressure, stress, and tension all of which raises the chances of you having a stroke or heart attack.
In hopes of helping you avoid this, I am providing you with the things I do to keep my mental health in tip-top condition.
My absolute favorite thing to do to refocus myself is to go for a long ride on my Harley. Nothing brings the world back into focus like riding free like the wind, there are no better forms of therapy as far as I am concerned.
Another great way to relieve the stresses in your life and help put a sparkle in your mental health is a trip to the casinos. Most people go to the casinos and expect to go home a winner, I do not. I go to have a good time.
Alternative trauma workouts appeal to people who need variety when it comes to working out. We all know that regular exercise is an important component of good health and weight loss, including but not limited to post-traumatic stress disorder. Your body can benefit from many different types of movement, so there’s no law saying you have to stick with the same old exercise program year after year.
Alternative trauma workouts sometimes include battle ropes which are not that well known. They are also called fitness ropes, and they are large, heavy ropes that you move in various ways for both cardiovascular and strength training. This type of equipment is used to gain in specific areas; power ropes are often used by bodybuilders and professional athletes to build their strength and stamina at the same time. The advantage of using this type of equipment is that you can take it with you wherever you go and it doesn’t take up that much room. They are a good option for increasing your strength and endurance in an efficient way. Without a shred of machinery, people that enjoy working out outside and do so without any equipment. If you like your calisthenics, using no weights, you can still get a lot of resistance exercise done by doing squats and push-ups – it’s totally up to you! If you want to work out, these body weight exercises use only your body’s resistance to making them simple yet effective. Some fitness gurus recommend the use of different types of alternative exercises including acrobatics, martial arts, and a host of other bodyweight trading methods. Martial arts has come quite a long way; even in the modern world, traditional Asian martial arts have you moving like animals to exercise and stay in shape.
Swimming is not exactly an alternative type of exercise, yet it’s highly beneficial and most people don’t do it very often. Swimming pools are expensive to buy and maintain, and many bodies of water are too polluted to swim in. You probably don’t live that far from a public pool or YMCA, though. Swimming is a great form of exercise that incorporates aerobic and resistance training. Swimming helps you relieve both physical and mental stress, even as it gives your body a great workout.
In summary, if you’re not already a good swimmer, take some lessons or look for a class that can teach you the basics. Alternative trauma workouts have many benefits. When you open your mind and investigate, you’ll find that there are an almost endless number of ways to exercise. The ideas we’ve covered in this article can help inspire you to find the alternative trauma workout that will enable you to stay active and get healthier.
Another great method to cope together with your stress utilizing exercise is usually a good problem to want to flatten your belly. All through the globe, people are discovering books on diverse workouts to flatten your belly. Do you realize flattening belly exercise doesn’t only work for belly fat but also increase your brain and body function? When your brain function is increased, your way of thinking will also improve, thereby helping to reduce any trauma you might have skilled previously or present.
Anytime you consume merchandise which can be low in saturated fats, also as meats which have been pretty lean, you can boost the chances of the belly fat disappearing from your abdomen. You will find actually also books in your nearby pharmacy outlets, bookshops and so forth. There’s certainly a wide selection. But how do you say that what’s written in these books will probably be the Gospel? Will they answer your prayers to flatten your Tummy?
Creating these abdominal muscles generally indicates you have to burn extreme fats deposited in many components of your total physique. It’s not adequate should you physical exercise only your abdomen to get rid of fat. With little portions of meals, you are able to nevertheless satisfy your bodily hunger but while performing so, you’ll maintain your metabolism at an all-time high which will surely lead to it to become easier for you personally to know how you are able to reduce belly fat. As an alternative to usually driving all over the location, it may be regarded as an excellent thing for you personally personally to visit get a walk (or run) to the store so lengthy as it isn’t in any way too far from your house, as this may most likely display you to exercise and be much much more mobile (bodily, that’s certainly).
Getting your cardio in for the 30-40 minutes prepares you for further workouts to flatten your belly. Continuously bear in mind to complete a little cardio in advance in the genuine exercising. This might be although elliptical machines or exercise bicycles too. When people are searching for approaches to drop undesirable excess weight, they really really feel that the basic exercises guide out tremendously and always give the final outcomes they are on the lookout for. Keep this in thoughts and continuously bear in thoughts to consult your primary care physician ahead of starting any selection of physical exercise.
Anger, temperament, and trauma – Psychology is interesting science, and with the help of psychology, we can research the hidden corners of our souls.
This fact may be thrilling and even make you discover something new concerning your personality and traits of your character. You can make many tests and figure out what your reaction would be to a particular event, how you will act in extreme scenarios and many more.
The word temperament was first coined by a well-known Russian scientist, I.P. Pavlov. He made a theory of attitude after doing several types of research on the topic, and experiments prove his theory. In his personal experience, essay, and notes he provides an in-depth description of a person’s reaction to the same event. You sit peacefully on a bench in the park and read the newspaper.
You bought a brand new car today, but the day is hot, so you put it nearby on the bench and continue to read. You see an old lady approaching. She takes a free seat near you and says nothing, opens a book and reads. All of a sudden, it dawns on you that she’s sitting on your new cap. What will be your reaction? If you laugh and make jokes to calm the poor granny down, you’re a sanguine. If you start to yell and your face turns red of the strain, and you do not care about the granny who’s probably going to have a heart attack, you’re choleric. If you burst into tears and allow the granny to comfort you, you’re melancholic; and in the event, you ignore everything such as grannies sitting on your cap and the start of the rain you’re a typical phlegmatic.
These for types can be described by anybody who makes observations in an experienced essay when you have enough patience to observe your reactions to different situations long enough. Temperament is not the only field to research to find out new things about you. You might also try to prove Freud’s theory, who says that intellect is wholly subjected to the passionate nature of a human being and his/her needs. You might see for yourself if you can find “collective unknown” and “individual unknown” which might also be very fascinating.
Lastly, there are lots of IQ tests that make you understand better by which direction to work to make your mental abilities better. You cannot just experiment with yourself but have a friend who’s willing to find out something new about his nature. Psychology is still a developing science, and to ensure that it can be a motivator to try your skills in this field professionally. Who knows, perhaps you’re a born psychologist?
How Do You Use Your Ability to Communicate?
Psychology can be helpful in many ways. We have seen the power of psychology through several legal cases when alleged criminals are charged and or convicted of a crime they thought nobody could solve.
Some desperate people use the power of psychology to get the kind of woman they so desire. Most people today apply the force of psychology to market goods and services. I’ll lay more interest in the case of female attraction.
The Action If you have been wondering why you can’t seem to attract any girls, then read carefully, because this article is going to teach you how to get a girlfriend quick and easy! You see, some men have dedicated their lives to studying attraction and female psychology, and they found answers that any person can learn and use, turning from being no good with ladies to a master seducer.
To realize how to get a girlfriend, you have to understand that it is much simpler to create a connection with her whenever you interact with her on an emotional level, it is said that the most erogenous zone in girls may be the brain, and once you apply what I tell you, you will discover that it’s correct. Very often women structure their decisions on the way they feel, differently from males that tend to apply logic more.
When you can master how to utilize this to your advantage, then you’ll be able to get a partner quickly. You need to target your attempts on getting her sentimentally stimulated: never be dull or leader, do not be scared to have your say or have strong reactions; ladies regularly test men in this regard, and if you do not react in a manner that displays sentiment, you fail the test.
Probably the most vital ability that you must master is the best way to attract a girl: to do that, you need to awaken the real feelings that may eventually lead to the attraction on her part: from then on, it is incredibly straightforward to transform that fascination into a romance!
But how should I do that, you ask? Well, I have fantastic news! You see, as I pointed out there are men who spent numerous hours experimenting and learning on the best way to do this, so the majority of the tough work has already been done! You only need to learn what they found, and then put it into action. You can find many sorts of ladies, and each requires subtle distinct techniques to get her mentally aroused.
This practice is part 1 of the many ways you can harness the power of psychology to get anything you want. Check on my blog next week to read the part 2 of the power of psychology.
Your friend Onaolapo Adeyemi Army and Navy Veteran.
VA disability codes – The VA provides codes to indicate the kind and severity of the disability. It’s critical to understand your VA disability code so you can keep track of your service-related injuries. A large number of VA disability codes can be found. The best approach to find these is to use a search engine. For example, if you’re looking for the “respiratory” disability code, you’d key in “respiratory,” and the code would most likely be clearly displayed on the first site that comes up. When it mentions VA disability codes, it’s possible that they don’t mean what they say. This is due to the fact that there are many various sorts of VA impairments, which you may learn about in this article. “About 36 percent of Post-9/11 Veterans had a service-connected disability versus 19 percent of all other Veterans. For the Post-9/11 Veteran population, a higher percentage female than male Veterans were age 34 or younger,” special reports.
VA Disability Compensation Codes and Rates
The VA disability and compensation codes and rates of wartime can be found from the U.S. Code, Title 38, Part II, Chapter 11, Subchapter II, § 1114 of the 38 U.S. Code § 1114 – Rates of wartime disability compensation through Pub. L. 114-38 of the Public Laws for the current Congress. (a) if and while the disability is rated 10 percent the monthly compensation shall be $123; (b) if and while the disability is rated 20 percent the monthly compensation shall be $243; (c) if and while the disability is rated 30 percent the monthly compensation shall be $376; (d) if and while the disability is rated 40 percent the monthly compensation shall be $541; (e) if and while the disability is rated 50 percent the monthly compensation shall be $770; (f) if and while the disability is rated 60 percent the monthly compensation shall be $974; (g) if and while the disability is rated 70 percent the monthly compensation shall be $1,228; (h) if and while the disability is rated 80 percent the monthly compensation shall be $1,427; (i) if and while the disability is rated 90 percent the monthly compensation shall be $1,604; (j) if and while the disability is rated as total the monthly compensation shall be $2,673; (k) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of one or more creative organs, or one foot, or one hand, or both buttocks, or blindness of one eye, having only light perception, has suffered complete organic aphonia with constant inability to communicate by speech, or deafness of both ears, having absence of air and bone conduction, or, in the case of a woman veteran, has suffered the anatomical loss of 25 percent or more of tissue from a single breast or both breasts in combination (including loss by mastectomy or partial mastectomy) or has received radiation treatment of breast tissue, the rate of compensation therefor shall be $96 per month for each such loss or loss of use independent of any other compensation provided in subsections (a) through (j) or subsection (s) of this section but in no event to exceed $3,327 per month; and in the event the veteran has suffered one or more of the disabilities heretofore specified in this subsection, in addition to the requirement for any of the rates specified in subsections (l) through (n) of this section, the rate of compensation shall be increased by $96 per month for each such loss or loss of use, but in no event to exceed $4,667 per month; (l) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of both feet, or of one hand and one foot, or is blind in both eyes, with 5/200 visual acuity or less, or is permanently bedridden or with such significant disabilities as to be in need of regular aid and attendance, the monthly compensation shall be $3,327; (m) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of both hands, or of both legs with factors preventing natural knee action with prostheses in place, or of one arm and one leg with factors preventing natural elbow and knee action with prostheses in place, or has suffered blindness in both eyes having only light perception, or has suffered blindness in both eyes, rendering such veteran so significantly disabled as to be in need of regular aid and attendance, the monthly compensation shall be $3,671; (n) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of both arms with factors preventing natural elbow action with prostheses in place, has suffered the anatomical loss of both legs with factors that prevent the use of prosthetic appliances, or has suffered the anatomical loss of one arm and one leg with factors that prevent the use of prosthetic appliances, or has suffered the anatomical loss of both eyes, or has suffered blindness without light perception in both eyes, the monthly compensation shall be $4,176; (o) if the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered disability under conditions which would entitle such veteran to two or more of the rates provided in one or more subsections (l) through (n) of this section, no condition being considered twice in the determination, or if the veteran has suffered bilateral deafness (and the hearing impairment in either one or both ears is service connected) rated at 60 percent or more disabling and the veteran has also suffered service-connected total blindness with 20/200 visual acuity or less, or if the veteran has suffered service-connected total deafness in one ear or bilateral deafness (and the hearing impairment in either one or both ears is service connected) rated at 40 percent or more disabling and the veteran has also suffered service-connected blindness having only light perception or less, or if the veteran has suffered the anatomical loss of both arms with factors that prevent the use of prosthetic appliances, the monthly compensation shall be $4,667; (p) in the event the veteran’s service-connected disabilities exceed the requirements for any of the rates prescribed in this section, the Secretary may allow the next higher rate or an intermediate rate, but in no event in excess of $4,667. In the event the veteran has suffered service-connected blindness with 5/200 visual acuity or less and (1) has also suffered bilateral deafness (and the hearing impairment in either one or both ears is service connected) rated at no less than 30 percent disabling, the Secretary shall allow the next higher rate, or (2) has also suffered service-connected total deafness in one ear or service-connected anatomical loss or loss of use of one hand or one foot, the Secretary shall allow the next intermediate rate, but in no event in excess of $4,667. In the event the veteran has suffered service-connected blindness, having only light perception or less, and has also suffered bilateral deafness (and the hearing impairment in either one or both ears is service connected) rated at 10 or 20 percent disabling, the Secretary shall allow the next intermediate rate, but in no event in excess of $4,667. In the event the veteran has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use, or a combination of anatomical loss and loss of use, of three extremities, the Secretary shall allow the next higher rate or intermediate rate, but in no event in excess of $4,667. Any intermediate rate under this subsection shall be established at the arithmetic mean, rounded down to the nearest dollar, between the two rates concerned. [(q) Repealed. Pub. L. 90–493, § 4(a), Aug. 19, 1968, 82 Stat. 809.] (r)Subject to section 5503(c) of this title, if any veteran, otherwise entitled to compensation authorized under subsection (o) of this section, at the maximum rate authorized under subsection (p) of this section, or at the intermediate rate authorized between the rates authorized under subsections (n) and (o) of this section and at the rate authorized under subsection (k) of this section, is in need of regular aid and attendance, then, in addition to such compensation— (1) the veteran shall be paid a monthly aid and attendance allowance at the rate of $2,002; or (2) if the veteran, in addition to such need for regular aid and attendance, is in need of a higher level of care, such veteran shall be paid a monthly aid and attendance allowance at the rate of $2,983, in lieu of the allowance authorized in clause (1) of this subsection, if the Secretary finds that the veteran, in the absence of the provision of such care, would require hospitalization, nursing home care, or other residential institutional care.For the purposes of clause (2) of this subsection, need for a higher level of care shall be considered to be need for personal health-care services provided on a daily basis in the veteran’s home by a person who is licensed to provide such services or who provides such services under the regular supervision of a licensed health-care professional. The existence of the need for such care shall be determined by a physician employed by the Department or, in areas where no such physician is available, by a physician carrying out such function under contract or fee arrangement based on an examination by such physician. For the purposes of section 1134 of this title, such allowance shall be considered as additional compensation payable for disability. (s) If the veteran has a service-connected disability rated as total, and (1) has an additional service-connected disability or disabilities independently ratable at 60 percent or more, or, (2) by reason of such veteran’s service-connected disability or disabilities, is permanently housebound, then the monthly compensation shall be $2,993. For the purpose of this subsection, the requirement of “permanently housebound” will be considered to have been met when the veteran is substantially confined to such veteran’s house (ward or clinical areas, if institutionalized) or immediate premises due to a service-connected disability or disabilities which it is reasonably certain will remain throughout such veteran’s lifetime. (t) Subject to section 5503(c) of this title, if any veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, is in need of regular aid and attendance for the residuals of traumatic brain injury, is not eligible for compensation under subsection (r)(2), and in the absence of such regular aid and attendance would require hospitalization, nursing home care, or other residential institutional care, the veteran shall be paid, in addition to any other compensation under this section, a monthly aid and attendance allowance equal to the rate described in subsection (r)(2), which for purposes of section 1134 of this title shall be considered as additional compensation payable for disability. An allowance authorized under this subsection shall be paid in lieu of any allowance authorized by subsection (r)(1).