
EMDR Emerges As A Groundbreaking Treatment For Trauma

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In recent years, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) has become one of the most ground-breaking and talked about therapies for clinicians and clients dealing with the lingering effects of trauma.

emdr_traumaAs with any new form of therapy, EMDR has its believers and non-believers. As the subject of over 25 controlled studies, however, it has proven to be an effective form of trauma treatment when carried out by a trained and qualified psychotherapy professional. If you have decided to seek the help of a counseling professional to deal with the aftermath of trauma, it may be worth your while to find an EMDR certified therapist near you to learn more about this exciting and innovative therapy.

We’ve all experienced trauma in our lives of one sort or another. Many of these moments may not have registered to you at the time as traumatic, but such moments can become “frozen” within our minds and bodies. The longer they remain there, the more negative the effects. EMDR, as administered by a trained therapist, can help to desensitize and reprocess those moments, and allow you to move beyond your trauma once and for all.


In EMDR, the patient recalls a traumatic event while simultaneously undergoing bilateral stimulation that can consist of moving the eyes from side to side, vibrations or tapping movements on different sides of the body. EMDR has been used to help those dealing with:

• Trauma
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Anxiety
• Grief and Loss
• Mourning
• Panic Attacks
• Performance and Test Anxiety
• And more

Not only has EMDR been proven as an effective form of trauma treatment, it has also been shown to get results in a shorter period of time than other methods of trauma treatment. EMDR is most effective when used in conjunction with more traditional methods of therapy.

As with any form of therapy, EMDR isn’t necessarily the right choice for everyone. It is important to feel comfortable with the type of therapy you choose, and the best way to do so is to learn as much about it as you possibly can. If you are interested in EMDR, contact a therapist who administers this technique in your area for an initial consultation in which you can ask questions and gather information.

EMDR is yet another tool by which those affected by trauma can move beyond its adverse effects and reclaim a healthy, balanced existence. Learning more about your condition and therapy will help you in living a better life!

If you are seeking a Bethesda psychologist, visit our website http://www.wilfriedbusse.com/ for more information on PTSD treatment, anxiety treatment, EMDR therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and stress counseling.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Wilfried_Busse/1506484
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7524236



Originally posted 2021-04-08 01:16:29.